Last UPDATED 2 Mei 2011
Pada saat kalian sudah lulus ujian chunin dan naik ke level 20, maka anda sudah dapat berhak untuk membeli sebuah pet. Pet tersebut ada berbagai macam, untuk itu saya memposting tutorial ini bagi kalian yang ingin menyamakan element terhadap pet-pet tersebut. Oke langsung saja saya jelaskan.
Nama : Eriko
Harga : 100.000 gold
Tipe : Offense
Deskripsi : Anjing yang terlatih, memiliki kelebihan dalam hal berburu.
memiliki blind, elemen yang cocok untuk pet ini adalah player yang memiliki elemen angin atau yang memiliki status dodge rate tinggi, sehingga kesempatan dodge player dapat lebih besar.
1st skill = Bite.
2nd skill = Spin Attack.
3rd skill = Fart (Blind: Menurunkan Akurasi lawan utk 1 turn).
4th skill = Courage Roar (Raungan untuk pemiliknya – Meningkatkan damage dari semua serangan pemiliknya sebesar 5% selama 2 turn)
5th skill = Secret : Eliminate Strike (Mengurangi 3% HP lawan)
Chiko :
Nama : Chiko
Harga : 100.000 gold
Tipe : Offense
Deskripsi : Burung yang memiliki kelebihan dalam elemen angin.
memiliki skill mengurangi dodge rate musuh lawan, semua elemen cocok menggunakan pet ini, namun disarankan untuk anda yang tidak suka denga wind user (user berelemen angin) pada pvp.
1st skill = Flying Attack.
2nd skill = Blows wind.
3rd skill = Inertia Dodge (Mengurangi chance dodging lawan).
4th skill = Mind Reader (Meningkatkan akurasi pemiliknya sebesar 5% selama 2 turn)
5th skill = Secret : Flight Sickle (Memberikan lawan efek bleeding sebanyak 8% untuk 2 turn)
Suki :
Nama : Suki
Harga : 100.000 gold
Tipe : Defense
Deskripsi : Hewan yang membantu dalam pertahanan.
memiliki protection, paling cocok bagi player dengan elemen tanah atau air yang lebih mementingkan pertahanan, sehingga ketika bertarung damage yang player terima sangatlah kecil, apalagi bila dilengkapi dengan golem protection.
1st skill = Head Strike.
2nd skill = Forceful Head Strike.
3rd skill = Protection (Mengurangi Damage serangan lawan utk ??? turn).
4th skill = One Body Explosive Blast (Mengurangi damage dari serangan target sebesar 5% selama 2 turn)
5th skill = Secret : Immovable Mind (Menjaga master dengan memblok serangan dari lawan untuk 1 turn)
Suzu :
Nama : Suzu
Harga : 100.000 gold
Tipe : Support
Deskripsi : Hewan yang lucu dan memiliki kemampuan untuk bertarung
memiliki skill stun, cocok bagi para destroyer (elemen api atau listrik) yang mengutamakan penyerangan, sehingga ketika pertarungan, stun yang hanya 1 turn pun dapat mengubah keadaan.
1st skill = normal attack.
2nd skill = scratch attack.
3rd skill = Catgirl Transformation (stun 1 turn).
4th skill = Moon Dance Claw (Menggunakan cakarnya untuk menyerang sasaran dan mengurangi CP sasaran sebesar 5%)
5th skill = Secret : Ecstasy Transformation (Memberikan restrict kepada lawan dan mengurangi damage lawan sebanyak 100% untuk 1 turn)
Leiko :
Nama : Leiko
Harga : 100.000 gold
Tipe : Support
Deskripsi : Ular yang sombong dan bisa menghianati tuannya.
tidak terdapat keistimewaan pada elemen, semua elemen dapat menggunakan pet ini, karena skill poisonnya yang dapat memberikan damage pada lawan.
1st skill = normal Bite.
2nd skill = Screech attack.
3rd skill = Spit Poison (terkena poison : Hp berkurang 3% selama 2 turn).
4th skill = Catalytic Matter (menambah damage master 7% (2 turn) dan memiliki efek samping mengurangi HP master 2%)
5th skill = Secret : Hazy Smoke (Mengurangi 5% akurasi lawan untuk 2 turn)
Keiko :
Nama : Keiko
Harga : 400 token
Tipe : Offense
Deskripsi : Pet terkuat bila dibandingkan dengan pet lain, hal ini senilai dengan harga belinya yang menggunakan token.
semua elemen dapat menggunakan pet ini, karena kedua skill (restriction, burn) dapat berguna saat pertarungan, namun skill keiko lebih mengutamakan pada offense.
1st skill = Kunai Attack.
2nd skill = Tongue Attack (Restriction: Tidak dapat menggunakan skill).
3rd skill = Spit Fire (Deals damage & mengurangi 3% Hp musuh selama 2 turns).
4th skill = Secret: Honorable Sword Strike (Ultimate taijutsu – Melukai musuh dengan sai untuk menonaktifkan musuh menyerang dengan senjata selama 2 turn)
5th skill = Secret : Ghost Sonic (Memberikan lawan efek chaos selama 1 turn)
Shika :
Nama : Shika
Harga : 400 token
Tipe : Offense
Deskripsi : Rusa, spesialis dalam hal penyerangan.
skill yang berguna dari shika adalah cleaning, dimana cleaning dapat menghilangkan efek negatif yang ada pada player (stun,burn,sleep,blind, dll), cocok bagi semua elemen kecuali elemen air/ yang memiliki status point air tinggi, karena pada status elemen air juga terdapat chance mengeluarkan efek ini pada tiap pointnya.
Kame :
Nama : Kame
Harga : Gratis, untuk mendapatkannya hanya dengan invite friends sebanyak 25 orang
Tipe : Support
Deskripsi : Kura-kura yang bisa kmu dpatkan dari event Claim Reward, sifatnya sangat penurut juga memiliki skill Refresh (bertambah 10HP)
1st skill = Normal attack
2nd skill = Rolling Carapace (nyerang musuh sambil berputar)
3rd skill = Refresh (nambahin 10HP)
4th skill = Sea Veins Badge (Mengurangi damage dari serangan musuh kepada p[emiliknya sebesar 15% selama 2 turn)
5th skill = Secret : Spring Rain (memulihkan HP master sebanyak 2% selama 3 turn)
Easa :
Nama : Easa
Harga : 400 token (emblem user)
Tipe : Offense
Deskripsi : Pet spesial yang ada saat event Paskah, kelinci ganas ini sangatlah baik untuk kmu yang berelement api atau listrik yang suka menyerang lawan, tanpa mementingkan keadaan.
1st skill = Normal attack
2nd skill = Bunny quick strike
3rd skill = Bunny triple kunai (ngelempar 3 kunai ke lawan)
4th skill = Secret: Bunny Slash (Memotong dengan kekuatan penuh yang memiliki kesempatan 25% untuk menyetun target selama 1 turn).
5th skill = Frenzy Bunny (Meningkatkan 100% damage sang Bunny, dan menaikkan kemungkinan melakukan serangan critical hingga 25% . Efek samping : pet akan menerima damage tambahan sebanyak 25%)
6th skill = Secret : Mirror of Moon (Mengembalikan damage yang diberikan kepada lawan sebanyak 100% untuk 1 turn)
Easter Bunny :
Nama : Easter Bunny
Harga : 10 gold (dulu, saat Ninja Saga lagi eror), Gratis (klo kamu membeli token pada Ninja Saga asli saat event Paskah)
Tipe : Support
Deskripsi : special PET yang ada saat event Paskah berbentuk telur Paskah yang imut dan lucu ini bisa mengeluarkan kelinci kecil (Bunny) saat menyerang lawan, juga memiliki skill menambahkan 100CP.
1st skill = Normal attack
2nd skill = Screch atack (nyerunduk musuh)
3rd skill = Menambahkan 100 CP
4th skill = Bunny's Gift (memulihkan CP master setelah HP master berkurang (jumlah CP yg pulih 10% dari damage yg di terima master) untuk 2 turn)
6th skill = Rocket Bunny (mengurangi HP dan CP lawan 4%)
Tipe : Support
Deskripsi : Ular yang sombong dan bisa menghianati tuannya.
tidak terdapat keistimewaan pada elemen, semua elemen dapat menggunakan pet ini, karena skill poisonnya yang dapat memberikan damage pada lawan.
1st skill = normal Bite.
2nd skill = Screech attack.
3rd skill = Spit Poison (terkena poison : Hp berkurang 3% selama 2 turn).
4th skill = Catalytic Matter (menambah damage master 7% (2 turn) dan memiliki efek samping mengurangi HP master 2%)
5th skill = Secret : Hazy Smoke (Mengurangi 5% akurasi lawan untuk 2 turn)
Keiko :
Nama : Keiko
Harga : 400 token
Tipe : Offense
Deskripsi : Pet terkuat bila dibandingkan dengan pet lain, hal ini senilai dengan harga belinya yang menggunakan token.
semua elemen dapat menggunakan pet ini, karena kedua skill (restriction, burn) dapat berguna saat pertarungan, namun skill keiko lebih mengutamakan pada offense.
1st skill = Kunai Attack.
2nd skill = Tongue Attack (Restriction: Tidak dapat menggunakan skill).
3rd skill = Spit Fire (Deals damage & mengurangi 3% Hp musuh selama 2 turns).
4th skill = Secret: Honorable Sword Strike (Ultimate taijutsu – Melukai musuh dengan sai untuk menonaktifkan musuh menyerang dengan senjata selama 2 turn)
5th skill = Secret : Ghost Sonic (Memberikan lawan efek chaos selama 1 turn)
Shika :
Nama : Shika
Harga : 400 token
Tipe : Offense
Deskripsi : Rusa, spesialis dalam hal penyerangan.
skill yang berguna dari shika adalah cleaning, dimana cleaning dapat menghilangkan efek negatif yang ada pada player (stun,burn,sleep,blind, dll), cocok bagi semua elemen kecuali elemen air/ yang memiliki status point air tinggi, karena pada status elemen air juga terdapat chance mengeluarkan efek ini pada tiap pointnya.
Kame :
Nama : Kame
Harga : Gratis, untuk mendapatkannya hanya dengan invite friends sebanyak 25 orang
Tipe : Support
Deskripsi : Kura-kura yang bisa kmu dpatkan dari event Claim Reward, sifatnya sangat penurut juga memiliki skill Refresh (bertambah 10HP)
1st skill = Normal attack
2nd skill = Rolling Carapace (nyerang musuh sambil berputar)
3rd skill = Refresh (nambahin 10HP)
4th skill = Sea Veins Badge (Mengurangi damage dari serangan musuh kepada p[emiliknya sebesar 15% selama 2 turn)
5th skill = Secret : Spring Rain (memulihkan HP master sebanyak 2% selama 3 turn)
Easa :
Nama : Easa
Harga : 400 token (emblem user)
Tipe : Offense
Deskripsi : Pet spesial yang ada saat event Paskah, kelinci ganas ini sangatlah baik untuk kmu yang berelement api atau listrik yang suka menyerang lawan, tanpa mementingkan keadaan.
1st skill = Normal attack
2nd skill = Bunny quick strike
3rd skill = Bunny triple kunai (ngelempar 3 kunai ke lawan)
4th skill = Secret: Bunny Slash (Memotong dengan kekuatan penuh yang memiliki kesempatan 25% untuk menyetun target selama 1 turn).
5th skill = Frenzy Bunny (Meningkatkan 100% damage sang Bunny, dan menaikkan kemungkinan melakukan serangan critical hingga 25% . Efek samping : pet akan menerima damage tambahan sebanyak 25%)
6th skill = Secret : Mirror of Moon (Mengembalikan damage yang diberikan kepada lawan sebanyak 100% untuk 1 turn)
Easter Bunny :
Nama : Easter Bunny
Harga : 10 gold (dulu, saat Ninja Saga lagi eror), Gratis (klo kamu membeli token pada Ninja Saga asli saat event Paskah)
Tipe : Support
Deskripsi : special PET yang ada saat event Paskah berbentuk telur Paskah yang imut dan lucu ini bisa mengeluarkan kelinci kecil (Bunny) saat menyerang lawan, juga memiliki skill menambahkan 100CP.
1st skill = Normal attack
2nd skill = Screch atack (nyerunduk musuh)
3rd skill = Menambahkan 100 CP
4th skill = Bunny's Gift (memulihkan CP master setelah HP master berkurang (jumlah CP yg pulih 10% dari damage yg di terima master) untuk 2 turn)
6th skill = Rocket Bunny (mengurangi HP dan CP lawan 4%)
Nama : Inokuchi
Harga : 100.000 Gold
Tipe : Offense
Deskripsi : Salah satu pet babi yang terlatih, babi ini kulitnya berwarnah hitam berbeda dengan Suki. Inokuchi menguasai Jurus Earth Strangle dan mengunakannya sebagai membantu pemiliknya.
1st skill = Normal attack
2nd skill = Spin Strike (berputar-putar dan menyerang lawan)
3rd skill = Dark Touch (Stun selama 1 Turns)
4th skill = Rock Shade (Memulihkan HP pemiliknya ketika menyerang (Jumlah: 15% dari kerusakan serangan) selama 2 turn)
5th skill = Secret : Rock Death Spear (Memberikan efek bleeding kepada lawan sebanyak 10% untuk 2 turn)
4th skill = Rock Shade (Memulihkan HP pemiliknya ketika menyerang (Jumlah: 15% dari kerusakan serangan) selama 2 turn)
5th skill = Secret : Rock Death Spear (Memberikan efek bleeding kepada lawan sebanyak 10% untuk 2 turn)
Tomaru :
Nama : Tomaru
Tipe : Support
Deskripsi : Salah satu PET ular yang bertype King Cobra, hidupnya di Gunung Berapi. Tomaru menguasai Jurus Fire Ball dan mengunakannya sebagai ilmu bertahan hidup. PET ini hanya khusus untuk Premium Users.
1st skill = Normal attack
2nd skill = Fire Ball (mengurangi HP musuh sebanyak 2% selama 2 Turns)
3rd skill = Dark Touch (menambahkan Demage sebanyak 5% selama 2 Turns)
4th skill = Firebreath (Mengeluarkan nafas api untuk mengurangi konsumsi CP pemiliknya ketika megeluarkan jurus sebesar 30% selama 2 turn)
5th skill = Secret : Hell Flame Eater (Mengurangi 1% HP lawan dan menyembuhkan efek burn pada master, 5% apabila lawan telah terkena efek burn lebih dahulu)
Yamaru :
1st Skill = Basic Attack
2nd Skill = Bite
3rd Skill = Vampiric Spirit (mengurangi 10% CP lawan dan diberikan kepada masternya)
4th Skill = Vampiric Attack (mengurangi 5% HP lawan dan diberikan kepada masternya)
5th Skill = Secret-Shackles Of Heart (memberikan 4+ tambahan cooldown untuk satu jurus lawan secara random)
6th Skill = Secret-Bloodlust Dedication(mengembalikan HP master 5% dan menyembuhkan master dari efek debuff)
Yajiro :
1st Skill = Basic Attack
2nd Skill = Bite
3rd Skill = Vampiric Spirit (mengurangi 5% CP lawan dan diberikan kepada masternya)
4th Skill = Vampiric Attack (mengurangi 2% HP lawan dan diberikan kepada masternya)
5th Skill = Secret-Shackles Of Heart (memberikan 4+ tambahan cooldown untuk satu jurus lawan secara random)
Raita :
4th skill = Firebreath (Mengeluarkan nafas api untuk mengurangi konsumsi CP pemiliknya ketika megeluarkan jurus sebesar 30% selama 2 turn)
5th skill = Secret : Hell Flame Eater (Mengurangi 1% HP lawan dan menyembuhkan efek burn pada master, 5% apabila lawan telah terkena efek burn lebih dahulu)
Yamaru :
Nama : Yamaru
Tipe : Offensive
Deskripsi : Salah satu PET kelelawar yang bertype vampir, seekor Kelelawar liar yang memiliki semangat dan jiwa layaknya seperti vampir. PET ini hanya khusus untuk Premium Users.
2nd Skill = Bite
3rd Skill = Vampiric Spirit (mengurangi 10% CP lawan dan diberikan kepada masternya)
4th Skill = Vampiric Attack (mengurangi 5% HP lawan dan diberikan kepada masternya)
5th Skill = Secret-Shackles Of Heart (memberikan 4+ tambahan cooldown untuk satu jurus lawan secara random)
6th Skill = Secret-Bloodlust Dedication(mengembalikan HP master 5% dan menyembuhkan master dari efek debuff)
Yajiro :
Nama : Yajiro
Harga : Gratis (cara mendapatkannya dengan mengambil share khusus dari teman FB anda yang telah membeli pet Yamaru)
Tipe : Offensive
Deskripsi : Salah satu PET kelelawar. PET ini hanya bisa didapatkan dengan mengambil share khusus dari teman facebook yg telah membeli pet yamaru.
2nd Skill = Bite
3rd Skill = Vampiric Spirit (mengurangi 5% CP lawan dan diberikan kepada masternya)
4th Skill = Vampiric Attack (mengurangi 2% HP lawan dan diberikan kepada masternya)
5th Skill = Secret-Shackles Of Heart (memberikan 4+ tambahan cooldown untuk satu jurus lawan secara random)
Raita :
Nama : Raita
Harga : Gratis (Saat mendapatkan Silver Prize dari Roulette 1st Ninja Saga Anniversary)
Tipe : Support
Deskripsi : Salah satu PET anjing selain eriko. PET ini hanya bisa didapatkan Saat mendapatkan Silver Prize pada waktu ada event ultah NS dulu.
1st skill = Normal attack
2nd skill = Noise (Mengurangi CP lawan sebanyak 2%)
3rd skill = Hamstring (Mengurangi Demage serangan Critical lawan sebanyak 25%)
4th skill = Military Lightning Roar (Menambah kesempatan Demage, Akurasi, & Critical sebanyak 5% untuk 2 turns)
5th skill = Secret : Lightning Body Wrap (Melindungi pemilik dari seluruh status negatif)
6th skill = Secret : Hyper Lightning Chop (Mencakar lawan dan mengakibatkan seluruh Cooldown Jutsu lawan bertambah hingga 2 turn)
Zoshi :
Nama : Zoshi
Harga : Gratis (Saat anda membeli Token pada NS asli saat Ninja Saga Anniversary)
Tipe : Support
Deskripsi : PET berbentuk seperti dummy yang sedikit unik. PET ini hanya bisa menggunakan jurus taijutsu saja.
1st skill = Normal attack
2nd skill = Cannon Ball Strike
3rd skill = Swift Kick
4th skill = Dummy Block (Memberikan 50% kesempatan untuk menangkis serangan menjadi 0 kepada pemiliknya)
5th skill = Secret : Two Shadow As One (Menghajar lawan sama-sama dengan bayangannya, mempunyai 30% kesempatan untuk menghilangkan efek buff dari lawan)
6th skill = Secret : Fist (Memukul target, mempunyai 40% kesempatan untuk membuat lawan tidak bisa melakukan heal)
Kisuke :
Nama : Kisuke
Harga : Gratis (klo kamu membeli token pada Ninja Saga asli saat event halloween)
Tipe : -
Deskripsi : special PET yang ada saat event Halloween berbentuk seperti labu tapi punya kaki dan tangan (bisa bayangin kan?) pet ini juga memiliki 6 skill dan bisa di beli dengan harga" tertentu.
1st skill = Basic attack
2nd skill = Pumpkin Bomb
3rd skill = Treat (mengurangi HP/CP musuh sebanyak 50, atau mengurangi skill)
4th skill = Hehe! My cake (stun, sleep, poison, burning selama1 turn)
5th skill = Where is my head ! (stun, distract, restriction selama 1 turn)
6th skill = Eat the dust ! (prison, harmstring, internal injury atau blind selama 1 turn)
Hiragi :
Nama : Hiragi
Harga : Gratis (klo kamu membeli token pada Ninja Saga asli saat event Thanksgiving)
Tipe : -
Deskripsi : special PET yang ada saat event Thanksgiving berbentuk seperti ayam kalkun(?) pet ini juga memiliki 6 skill dan bisa di beli dengan harga" tertentu.
1st skill = Basic attack
2nd skill = Membangunkan master/majikan-nya jika kena sleep
3rd skill = 75% membuat lawan sleep selama 2 turn
4th skill = Meningkatkan serangan master/majikan-nya 3% selama 3 turn
5th skill = Mengurangi kesempatan lawan 4% untuk critical, dodge, combution, purify, reactive force, selama 2 turn
6th skill = Meningkatkan kesempatan master/majikan-nya 4% untuk critical, dodge, combution, purify, reactive force, selama 2 turn
Pet Ponpoco Spesial Hanami event.
Pet Ponpoco Spesial Hanami event.
Gambar didapat dari forum ninja saga.
---Keterangan jutsu:
1. Jutsu Level 1: Serangan dasar
2. Jutsu Level 5: Umberella strike (melempari target dengan payung berputar)
3. Jutsu Level 10: Hibuki shower (mengeluarkan senjata dari payung dan mengurang CP musuh 5%)
4. Jutsu Level 15: Start! Guard! (Selama 2 giliran, tuan pet ini memiliki kesempatan untuk mengeblock serangan lawan ---> mengurangi damage yang diterima sebanyak 100%)
5. Jutsu Level 20: Secret kasatanuki (berubah menjadi payung raksasa dan melakukan stun pada lawan selama 1 giliran)
6. Jutsu Level 30: Secret sakura scatter (menghujani masternya dengan kelopak sakura untuk meningkatkan 8% serangan master selama 2 giliran)
salah satu hadiahnya adalah pet spesial hari paskah..
Itikura the Rabbit
Type : Offensive
cara mendapatkan : menukarkan telur yang diperlukan untuk event reward pada event Easter Eggs 2011 dari tanggal 21 April 2011 s/d 11 Mei 2011
1st skill : Normal Attack
2nd skill : Swift Kick
3rd skill : Chakra Bullet (mencegah lawan melakukan recharging chakra selama 1 turn)
4th skill : Weak Point Focus (menambah critical rate sebanyak 15% dan critical damage sebanyak 30% selama 2 turn)
5th skill : Secret - Absolute Chakra Shield (menyerang lawan - 50% kemungkinan mengstun lawan)
Rakura the Rabbit
Type : Offensive
cara mendapatkan : menukarkan telur yang diperlukan untuk event reward pada event Easter Eggs 2011 dari tanggal 21 April 2011 s/d 11 Mei 2011
1st skill : Normal Attack
2nd skill : Swift Kick
3rd skill : Chakra Bullet (mencegah lawan melakukan recharging chakra selama 2 turn)
4th skill : Weak Point Focus (menambah critical rate sebanyak 15% dan critical damage sebanyak 30% selama 3 turn)
5th skill : Secret - Absolute Chakra Shield (mengstun lawan selama 1 turn)
6th skill : Secret - Absolute Chakra Strike (menyerang lawan - 30% kemungkinan menghilangkan seluruh buff lawan)
semoga bisa menjadi pacuan semangat untuk bisa mendapatkan Rare Pets
Pet Katsura
1st skill (Lv 1): Basic Attack
serangan biasa
2nd skill (Lv 3): Attention
master's attack ignore 3 % of target dodge (2 turn) = serangan master mengabaikan 3% dari target untuk menghindar (2 giliran)
3rd skill (Lv 5): Defense!
reduce 5% damage to master (2 turn) = mengurangi 5% kerusakan yang di terima (2 giliran)
4th skill (Lv 7): Attack!
increase 3% master's damage to enemy (2 turn) = meningkatan 3% serangan master kepada musuh (2 giliran)
5th skill (Lv 8 ): Healing
heal master's HP by 2% eatch turn(3 turn) = menyembuhkan darah master setiap gilirannya sebesar 2%(3 giliran)
Extream Talent Ninja Saga
Itikura the Rabbit
Type : Offensive
cara mendapatkan : menukarkan telur yang diperlukan untuk event reward pada event Easter Eggs 2011 dari tanggal 21 April 2011 s/d 11 Mei 2011
1st skill : Normal Attack
2nd skill : Swift Kick
3rd skill : Chakra Bullet (mencegah lawan melakukan recharging chakra selama 1 turn)
4th skill : Weak Point Focus (menambah critical rate sebanyak 15% dan critical damage sebanyak 30% selama 2 turn)
5th skill : Secret - Absolute Chakra Shield (menyerang lawan - 50% kemungkinan mengstun lawan)
Rakura the Rabbit
Type : Offensive
cara mendapatkan : menukarkan telur yang diperlukan untuk event reward pada event Easter Eggs 2011 dari tanggal 21 April 2011 s/d 11 Mei 2011
1st skill : Normal Attack
2nd skill : Swift Kick
3rd skill : Chakra Bullet (mencegah lawan melakukan recharging chakra selama 2 turn)
4th skill : Weak Point Focus (menambah critical rate sebanyak 15% dan critical damage sebanyak 30% selama 3 turn)
5th skill : Secret - Absolute Chakra Shield (mengstun lawan selama 1 turn)
6th skill : Secret - Absolute Chakra Strike (menyerang lawan - 30% kemungkinan menghilangkan seluruh buff lawan)
semoga bisa menjadi pacuan semangat untuk bisa mendapatkan Rare Pets
Pet Katsura
1st skill (Lv 1): Basic Attack
serangan biasa
2nd skill (Lv 3): Attention
master's attack ignore 3 % of target dodge (2 turn) = serangan master mengabaikan 3% dari target untuk menghindar (2 giliran)
3rd skill (Lv 5): Defense!
reduce 5% damage to master (2 turn) = mengurangi 5% kerusakan yang di terima (2 giliran)
4th skill (Lv 7): Attack!
increase 3% master's damage to enemy (2 turn) = meningkatan 3% serangan master kepada musuh (2 giliran)
5th skill (Lv 8 ): Healing
heal master's HP by 2% eatch turn(3 turn) = menyembuhkan darah master setiap gilirannya sebesar 2%(3 giliran)
Extream Talent Ninja Saga
Ninja Saga "Eight Extremities" Reference
– This Talent focuses on the flexibility of 8 body parts and the art of taijutsu. Explosive power can be achieved under extreme mode but there will be serious side effects.
Cost: 400 Tokens
Req: lvl40/Jounin
Cost: 400 Tokens
Req: lvl40/Jounin
- Soul Punch
- Eight Extremities
- Eight Extremities Fist
- Eight Extremities Strengthen
- Extreme Mode
- Ultimate Dance
Talent tree
Legend: *Dmg - Damage
*CP - Chakra Points
*CD - Cool Down
*CP - Chakra Points
*CD - Cool Down
Soul Punch
Description: Concentrates all the chakra on your palm and punch target.
Effect: --
Dmg: [(lvl)x950%]
CP: [(lvl)x550%]
CD: 12
Level 1 - Cp:[lvl x 100%], damage:[lvl x 100%]
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 110%], damage:[lvl x 150%]
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 130%], damage:[lvl x 270%]
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 160%], damage:[lvl x 340%]
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 200%], damage:[lvl x 420%]
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 250%], damage:[lvl x 490%]
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 310%], damage:[lvl x 590%]
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 380%], damage:[lvl x 700%]
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 460%], damage:[lvl x 820%]
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 550%], damage:[lvl x 950%]
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 110%], damage:[lvl x 150%]
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 130%], damage:[lvl x 270%]
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 160%], damage:[lvl x 340%]
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 200%], damage:[lvl x 420%]
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 250%], damage:[lvl x 490%]
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 310%], damage:[lvl x 590%]
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 380%], damage:[lvl x 700%]
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 460%], damage:[lvl x 820%]
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 550%], damage:[lvl x 950%]
Eight Extremities
Description: Elementary battle training that increases taijutsu damage.
Effect: Increases attack damage of taijutsu skill type by 20%, Reduce HP deduction from taijutsu skill type by 100%
Dmg: --
CP: --
CD: Passive Skill
Level 1 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", effect amount 1: 1%,
effect type 2:"- Taijutsu Recoil", effect amount 2: 10%,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", effect amount 1: 2%,
effect type 2:"- Taijutsu Recoil", effect amount 2: 20%,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", effect amount 1: 3%,
effect type 2:"- Taijutsu Recoil", effect amount 2: 30%,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", effect amount 1: 4.2%,
effect type 2:"- Taijutsu Recoil", effect amount 2: 40%,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", effect amount 1: 5.6%,
effect type 2:"- Taijutsu Recoil", effect amount 2: 50%,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", effect amount 1: 7.2%,
effect type 2:"- Taijutsu Recoil", effect amount 2: 60%,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", effect amount 1: 9%,
effect type 2:"- Taijutsu Recoil", effect amount 2: 70%,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", effect amount 1: 11.2%,
effect type 2:"- Taijutsu Recoil", effect amount 2: 80%,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", effect amount 1: 14.4%,
effect type 2:"- Taijutsu Recoil", effect amount 2: 90%,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", effect amount 1: 20%,
effect type 2:"- Taijutsu Recoil", effect amount 2: 100%,
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", effect amount 1: 1%,
effect type 2:"- Taijutsu Recoil", effect amount 2: 10%,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", effect amount 1: 2%,
effect type 2:"- Taijutsu Recoil", effect amount 2: 20%,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", effect amount 1: 3%,
effect type 2:"- Taijutsu Recoil", effect amount 2: 30%,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", effect amount 1: 4.2%,
effect type 2:"- Taijutsu Recoil", effect amount 2: 40%,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", effect amount 1: 5.6%,
effect type 2:"- Taijutsu Recoil", effect amount 2: 50%,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", effect amount 1: 7.2%,
effect type 2:"- Taijutsu Recoil", effect amount 2: 60%,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", effect amount 1: 9%,
effect type 2:"- Taijutsu Recoil", effect amount 2: 70%,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", effect amount 1: 11.2%,
effect type 2:"- Taijutsu Recoil", effect amount 2: 80%,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", effect amount 1: 14.4%,
effect type 2:"- Taijutsu Recoil", effect amount 2: 90%,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", effect amount 1: 20%,
effect type 2:"- Taijutsu Recoil", effect amount 2: 100%,
Eight Extremities Fist
Description: Apply the usage of chakra into taijutsu and give better damage.
Effect: 30% chance to reduce target's CP by 50%
Dmg: [(lvl)x1000%]
CP: [(lvl)x900%]
CD: 19
Level 1 - Cp:[lvl x 100%], damage:[lvl x 160%],
effect type 1:"CP Reduction", effect amount 1: -50%, effect chancetohit 1: 3%
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 120%], damage:[lvl x 190%],
effect type 1:"CP Reduction", effect amount 1: -50%, effect chancetohit 1: 6%
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 150%], damage:[lvl x 230%],
effect type 1:"CP Reduction", effect amount 1: -50%, effect chancetohit 1: 9%
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 190%], damage:[lvl x 280%],
effect type 1:"CP Reduction", effect amount 1: -50%, effect chancetohit 1: 12%
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 240%], damage:[lvl x 340%],
effect type 1:"CP Reduction", effect amount 1: -50%, effect chancetohit 1: 15%
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 310%], damage:[lvl x 410%],
effect type 1:"CP Reduction", effect amount 1: -50%, effect chancetohit 1: 18%
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 400%], damage:[lvl x 510%],
effect type 1:"CP Reduction", effect amount 1: -50%, effect chancetohit 1: 21%
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 510%], damage:[lvl x 720%],
effect type 1:"CP Reduction", effect amount 1: -50%, effect chancetohit 1: 24%
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 680%], damage:[lvl x 850%],
effect type 1:"CP Reduction", effect amount 1: -50%, effect chancetohit 1: 27%
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 900%], damage:[lvl x 1000%],
effect type 1:"CP Reduction", effect amount 1: -50%, effect chancetohit 1: 30%
Eight Extremities Strengthen
Description: Fully utilize every part of the body.
Effect: Increases agility by 10%, Increases maximum HP by 10%
Dmg: --
CP: --
CD: Passive Skill
Level 1 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Agility", effect amount 1: 0.5%,
effect type 2:"Max hp", effect amount 2: 0.5%,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Agility", effect amount 1: 0.9%,
effect type 2:"Max hp", effect amount 2: 0.9%,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Agility", effect amount 1: 1.4%,
effect type 2:"Max hp", effect amount 2: 1.4%,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Agility", effect amount 1: 2.1%,
effect type 2:"Max hp", effect amount 2: 2.1%,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Agility", effect amount 1: 2.8%,
effect type 2:"Max hp", effect amount 2: 2.8%,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Agility", effect amount 1: 3.6%,
effect type 2:"Max hp", effect amount 2: 3.6%,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Agility", effect amount 1: 4.5%,
effect type 2:"Max hp", effect amount 2: 4.5%,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Agility", effect amount 1: 5.6%,
effect type 2:"Max hp", effect amount 2: 5.6%,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Agility", effect amount 1: 7.2%,
effect type 2:"Max hp", effect amount 2: 7.2%,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Agility", effect amount 1: 10%,
effect type 2:"Max hp", effect amount 2: 10%,
effect type 1:"Agility", effect amount 1: 0.5%,
effect type 2:"Max hp", effect amount 2: 0.5%,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Agility", effect amount 1: 0.9%,
effect type 2:"Max hp", effect amount 2: 0.9%,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Agility", effect amount 1: 1.4%,
effect type 2:"Max hp", effect amount 2: 1.4%,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Agility", effect amount 1: 2.1%,
effect type 2:"Max hp", effect amount 2: 2.1%,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Agility", effect amount 1: 2.8%,
effect type 2:"Max hp", effect amount 2: 2.8%,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Agility", effect amount 1: 3.6%,
effect type 2:"Max hp", effect amount 2: 3.6%,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Agility", effect amount 1: 4.5%,
effect type 2:"Max hp", effect amount 2: 4.5%,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Agility", effect amount 1: 5.6%,
effect type 2:"Max hp", effect amount 2: 5.6%,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Agility", effect amount 1: 7.2%,
effect type 2:"Max hp", effect amount 2: 7.2%,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Agility", effect amount 1: 10%,
effect type 2:"Max hp", effect amount 2: 10%,
Extreme Mode
Description: Develop every part of the body to a superb condition for a short period of time.
Effect: Increases attack of all taijutsu by 80% (5 turns), User cannot be healed (4 turns)(Talent skills will not be affected)
Dmg: --
CP: [(lvl)x900%]
CD: 16
Level 1 - Cp:[lvl x 100%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: 5%,
effect type 2:"internal injury", duration 2: 2,
effect type 3:"extreme mode", duration 3: 3
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 120%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: 10%,
effect type 2:"internal injury", duration 2: 2,
effect type 3:"extreme mode", duration 3: 3
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 150%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: 16%,
effect type 2:"internal injury", duration 2: 2,
effect type 3:"extreme mode", duration 3: 3
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 190%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: 23%,
effect type 2:"internal injury", duration 2: 2,
effect type 3:"extreme mode", duration 3: 3
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 240%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", duration 1: 4, effect amount 1: 31%,
effect type 2:"internal injury", duration 2: 3,
effect type 3:"extreme mode", duration 3: 4
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 310%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", duration 1: 4, effect amount 1: 40%,
effect type 2:"internal injury", duration 2: 3,
effect type 3:"extreme mode", duration 3: 4
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 400%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", duration 1: 4, effect amount 1: 50%,
effect type 2:"internal injury", duration 2: 3,
effect type 3:"extreme mode", duration 3: 4
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 510%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", duration 1: 4, effect amount 1: 55%,
effect type 2:"internal injury", duration 2: 3,
effect type 3:"extreme mode", duration 3: 4
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 680%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", duration 1: 5, effect amount 1: 66%,
effect type 2:"internal injury", duration 2: 4,
effect type 3:"extreme mode", duration 3: 5
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 900%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", duration 1: 5, effect amount 1: 80%,
effect type 2:"internal injury", duration 2: 4,
effect type 3:"extreme mode", duration 3: 5
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: 5%,
effect type 2:"internal injury", duration 2: 2,
effect type 3:"extreme mode", duration 3: 3
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 120%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: 10%,
effect type 2:"internal injury", duration 2: 2,
effect type 3:"extreme mode", duration 3: 3
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 150%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: 16%,
effect type 2:"internal injury", duration 2: 2,
effect type 3:"extreme mode", duration 3: 3
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 190%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: 23%,
effect type 2:"internal injury", duration 2: 2,
effect type 3:"extreme mode", duration 3: 3
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 240%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", duration 1: 4, effect amount 1: 31%,
effect type 2:"internal injury", duration 2: 3,
effect type 3:"extreme mode", duration 3: 4
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 310%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", duration 1: 4, effect amount 1: 40%,
effect type 2:"internal injury", duration 2: 3,
effect type 3:"extreme mode", duration 3: 4
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 400%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", duration 1: 4, effect amount 1: 50%,
effect type 2:"internal injury", duration 2: 3,
effect type 3:"extreme mode", duration 3: 4
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 510%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", duration 1: 4, effect amount 1: 55%,
effect type 2:"internal injury", duration 2: 3,
effect type 3:"extreme mode", duration 3: 4
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 680%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", duration 1: 5, effect amount 1: 66%,
effect type 2:"internal injury", duration 2: 4,
effect type 3:"extreme mode", duration 3: 5
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 900%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"+ Taijutsu damage", duration 1: 5, effect amount 1: 80%,
effect type 2:"internal injury", duration 2: 4,
effect type 3:"extreme mode", duration 3: 5
Ultimate Dance
Description: Fatal attack to a taget, must be used in Extreme Mode.
Effect: 90% chance to double CP consumption of target for 3 turns
Dmg: [(lvl)x1700%]
CP: [(lvl)x1200%]
CD: 19
Level 1 - Cp:[lvl x 100%], damage:[lvl x 320%],
effect type 1:"x2 cp usage", duration 1: 3, chancetohit 1: 15%,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 150%], damage:[lvl x 400%],
effect type 1:"x2 cp usage", duration 1: 3, chancetohit 1: 19%,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 210%], damage:[lvl x 500%],
effect type 1:"x2 cp usage", duration 1: 3, chancetohit 1: 24%,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 280%], damage:[lvl x 610%],
effect type 1:"x2 cp usage", duration 1: 3, chancetohit 1: 30%,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 360%], damage:[lvl x 750%],
effect type 1:"x2 cp usage", duration 1: 3, chancetohit 1: 36%,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 460%], damage:[lvl x 910%],
effect type 1:"x2 cp usage", duration 1: 3, chancetohit 1: 42%,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 580%], damage:[lvl x 1140%],
effect type 1:"x2 cp usage", duration 1: 3, chancetohit 1: 52%,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 720%], damage:[lvl x 1440%],
effect type 1:"x2 cp usage", duration 1: 3, chancetohit 1: 64%,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 920%], damage:[lvl x 1530%],
effect type 1:"x2 cp usage", duration 1: 3, chancetohit 1: 78%,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 1200%], damage:[lvl x 1700%],
effect type 1:"x2 cp usage", duration 1: 3, chancetohit 1: 90%,
effect type 1:"x2 cp usage", duration 1: 3, chancetohit 1: 15%,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 150%], damage:[lvl x 400%],
effect type 1:"x2 cp usage", duration 1: 3, chancetohit 1: 19%,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 210%], damage:[lvl x 500%],
effect type 1:"x2 cp usage", duration 1: 3, chancetohit 1: 24%,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 280%], damage:[lvl x 610%],
effect type 1:"x2 cp usage", duration 1: 3, chancetohit 1: 30%,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 360%], damage:[lvl x 750%],
effect type 1:"x2 cp usage", duration 1: 3, chancetohit 1: 36%,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 460%], damage:[lvl x 910%],
effect type 1:"x2 cp usage", duration 1: 3, chancetohit 1: 42%,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 580%], damage:[lvl x 1140%],
effect type 1:"x2 cp usage", duration 1: 3, chancetohit 1: 52%,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 720%], damage:[lvl x 1440%],
effect type 1:"x2 cp usage", duration 1: 3, chancetohit 1: 64%,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 920%], damage:[lvl x 1530%],
effect type 1:"x2 cp usage", duration 1: 3, chancetohit 1: 78%,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 1200%], damage:[lvl x 1700%],
effect type 1:"x2 cp usage", duration 1: 3, chancetohit 1: 90%,
Ninja Saga Deadly Performance Reference
– Dead Bone performer can summon deceased beings in battle. Advanced performers can manipulate more dead bones at the same time.
Cost: 500,000 Gold
Req: lvl40/Jounin
Cost: 500,000 Gold
Req: lvl40/Jounin
- Onmyouji: Wondrous Doors
- Soul of Onmyouji
- Samurai: One Sword
- Soul of Samurai
- Burial of Dead Bone
- Divine Wind of Onmyousamurai
Talent tree
![Deadly Performance Talent Tree Deadly Performance Talent Tree](
Legend: *Dmg - Damage
*CP - Chakra Points
*CD - Cool Down
*CP - Chakra Points
*CD - Cool Down
Onmyouji: Wondrous Doors
Description: Summon the soul of onmyouji to convert target's attack damage to HP.
Effect: Convert 100% of taken damage to HP positively. (2turns)
Dmg: --
CP: [(lvl)x 900%]
CD: 16
Level 1 - Cp:[lvl x 100%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Convert dmg-hp", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: 5%,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 120%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Convert dmg-hp", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: 10%,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 150%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Convert dmg-hp", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: 15%,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 190%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Convert dmg-hp", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: 20%,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 240%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Convert dmg-hp", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: 25%,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 310%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Convert dmg-hp", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: 30%,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 400%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Convert dmg-hp", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: 40%,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 510%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Convert dmg-hp", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: 55%,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 680%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Convert dmg-hp", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: 75%,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 900%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Convert dmg-hp", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: 100%,
effect type 1:"Convert dmg-hp", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: 5%,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 120%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Convert dmg-hp", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: 10%,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 150%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Convert dmg-hp", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: 15%,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 190%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Convert dmg-hp", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: 20%,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 240%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Convert dmg-hp", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: 25%,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 310%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Convert dmg-hp", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: 30%,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 400%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Convert dmg-hp", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: 40%,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 510%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Convert dmg-hp", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: 55%,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 680%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Convert dmg-hp", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: 75%,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 900%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Convert dmg-hp", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: 100%,
Soul of Onmyouji
Description: Summon te soul of onmyouji to protect you from physical damage.
Effect: Reduce damage taken by 5%, 20% chance to resist stun.
Dmg: --
CP: --
CD: Passive Skill
Level 1 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Defence all", effect amount 1: 0.5%,
effect type 2:"Resist Debuff", effect amount 2: 1%, effect requirement 2:"stun",
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Defence all", effect amount 1: 0.6%,
effect type 2:"Resist Debuff", effect amount 2: 1.4%, effect requirement 2:"stun",
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Defence all", effect amount 1: 0.8%,
effect type 2:"Resist Debuff", effect amount 2: 2%, effect requirement 2:"stun",
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Defence all", effect amount 1: 1.1%,
effect type 2:"Resist Debuff", effect amount 2: 2.8%, effect requirement 2:"stun",
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Defence all", effect amount 1: 1.5%,
effect type 2:"Resist Debuff", effect amount 2: 3.8%, effect requirement 2:"stun",
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Defence all", effect amount 1: 2%,
effect type 2:"Resist Debuff", effect amount 2: 3.8%, effect requirement 2:"stun",
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Defence all", effect amount 1: 2.7%,
effect type 2:"Resist Debuff", effect amount 2: 6.4%, effect requirement 2:"stun",
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Defence all", effect amount 1: 3.4%,
effect type 2:"Resist Debuff", effect amount 2: 8%, effect requirement 2:"stun",
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Defence all", effect amount 1: 4.2%,
effect type 2:"Resist Debuff", effect amount 2: 13%, effect requirement 2:"stun",
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Defence all", effect amount 1: 5%,
effect type 2:"Resist Debuff", effect amount 2: 20%, effect requirement 2:"stun",
effect type 1:"Defence all", effect amount 1: 0.5%,
effect type 2:"Resist Debuff", effect amount 2: 1%, effect requirement 2:"stun",
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Defence all", effect amount 1: 0.6%,
effect type 2:"Resist Debuff", effect amount 2: 1.4%, effect requirement 2:"stun",
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Defence all", effect amount 1: 0.8%,
effect type 2:"Resist Debuff", effect amount 2: 2%, effect requirement 2:"stun",
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Defence all", effect amount 1: 1.1%,
effect type 2:"Resist Debuff", effect amount 2: 2.8%, effect requirement 2:"stun",
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Defence all", effect amount 1: 1.5%,
effect type 2:"Resist Debuff", effect amount 2: 3.8%, effect requirement 2:"stun",
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Defence all", effect amount 1: 2%,
effect type 2:"Resist Debuff", effect amount 2: 3.8%, effect requirement 2:"stun",
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Defence all", effect amount 1: 2.7%,
effect type 2:"Resist Debuff", effect amount 2: 6.4%, effect requirement 2:"stun",
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Defence all", effect amount 1: 3.4%,
effect type 2:"Resist Debuff", effect amount 2: 8%, effect requirement 2:"stun",
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Defence all", effect amount 1: 4.2%,
effect type 2:"Resist Debuff", effect amount 2: 13%, effect requirement 2:"stun",
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Defence all", effect amount 1: 5%,
effect type 2:"Resist Debuff", effect amount 2: 20%, effect requirement 2:"stun",
Samurai: One Sword
Description: Summon the soul of samurai to attack target with sword.
Effect: Expose target defense for 40% (3 turns), Reduce target's dodge chance by 40% (3 turns)
Dmg: [(lvl)x 1000%]
CP: [(lvl)x 1200%]
CD: 22
Level 1 - Cp:[lvl x 100%], damage:[lvl x 150%],
effect type 1:"Defence all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -10%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -10%,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 150%], damage:[lvl x 180%],
effect type 1:"Defence all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -12%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -12%,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 210%], damage:[lvl x 230%],
effect type 1:"Defence all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -14%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -14%,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 280%], damage:[lvl x 280%],
effect type 1:"Defence all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -16%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -16%,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 360%], damage:[lvl x 340%],
effect type 1:"Defence all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -19%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -19%,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 460%], damage:[lvl x 410%],
effect type 1:"Defence all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -22%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -22%,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 580%], damage:[lvl x 510%],
effect type 1:"Defence all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -26%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -26%,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 720%], damage:[lvl x 720%],
effect type 1:"Defence all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -30%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -30%,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 920%], damage:[lvl x 850%],
effect type 1:"Defence all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -35%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -35%,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 1200%], damage:[lvl x 1000%],
effect type 1:"Defence all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -40%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -40%,
effect type 1:"Defence all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -10%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -10%,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 150%], damage:[lvl x 180%],
effect type 1:"Defence all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -12%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -12%,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 210%], damage:[lvl x 230%],
effect type 1:"Defence all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -14%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -14%,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 280%], damage:[lvl x 280%],
effect type 1:"Defence all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -16%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -16%,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 360%], damage:[lvl x 340%],
effect type 1:"Defence all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -19%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -19%,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 460%], damage:[lvl x 410%],
effect type 1:"Defence all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -22%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -22%,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 580%], damage:[lvl x 510%],
effect type 1:"Defence all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -26%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -26%,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 720%], damage:[lvl x 720%],
effect type 1:"Defence all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -30%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -30%,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 920%], damage:[lvl x 850%],
effect type 1:"Defence all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -35%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -35%,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 1200%], damage:[lvl x 1000%],
effect type 1:"Defence all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -40%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -40%,
Soul of Samurai
Description: Summon the soul of samurai to rebound damage.
Effect: 10% chance to rebound 50% damage taken.
Dmg: --
CP: --
CD: Passive Skill
Level 1 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Reflect damage", effect amount 1: 2.4%, chancetoeffect 1: 1%,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Reflect damage", effect amount 1: 4.4%, chancetoeffect 1: 2%,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Reflect damage", effect amount 1: 7%, chancetoeffect 1: 3%,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Reflect damage", effect amount 1: 10.4%, chancetoeffect 1: 4%,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Reflect damage", effect amount 1: 14%, chancetoeffect 1: 5%,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Reflect damage", effect amount 1: 18%, chancetoeffect 1: 6%,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Reflect damage", effect amount 1: 22%, chancetoeffect 1: 7%,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Reflect damage", effect amount 1: 28%, chancetoeffect 1: 8%,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Reflect damage", effect amount 1: 36%, chancetoeffect 1: 9%,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Reflect damage", effect amount 1: 50%, chancetoeffect 1: 10%,
effect type 1:"Reflect damage", effect amount 1: 2.4%, chancetoeffect 1: 1%,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Reflect damage", effect amount 1: 4.4%, chancetoeffect 1: 2%,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Reflect damage", effect amount 1: 7%, chancetoeffect 1: 3%,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Reflect damage", effect amount 1: 10.4%, chancetoeffect 1: 4%,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Reflect damage", effect amount 1: 14%, chancetoeffect 1: 5%,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Reflect damage", effect amount 1: 18%, chancetoeffect 1: 6%,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Reflect damage", effect amount 1: 22%, chancetoeffect 1: 7%,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Reflect damage", effect amount 1: 28%, chancetoeffect 1: 8%,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Reflect damage", effect amount 1: 36%, chancetoeffect 1: 9%,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Reflect damage", effect amount 1: 50%, chancetoeffect 1: 10%,
Burial of Dead Bone
Description: Summon gravestones from the underworld to attack all target.
Effect: All enemies cannot use weapon and skill to attack (3 turns)
Dmg: --
CP: [(lvl)x 900%]
CD: 24
Level 1 - Cp:[lvl x 100%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Attacks Sealed", duration 1: 1,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 120%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Attacks Sealed", duration 1: 1,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 150%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Attacks Sealed", duration 1: 1,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 190%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Attacks Sealed", duration 1: 1,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 240%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Attacks Sealed", duration 1: 2,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 310%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Attacks Sealed", duration 1: 2,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 400%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Attacks Sealed", duration 1: 2,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 510%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Attacks Sealed", duration 1: 2,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 680%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Attacks Sealed", duration 1: 2,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 900%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Attacks Sealed", duration 1: 3,
effect type 1:"Attacks Sealed", duration 1: 1,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 120%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Attacks Sealed", duration 1: 1,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 150%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Attacks Sealed", duration 1: 1,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 190%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Attacks Sealed", duration 1: 1,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 240%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Attacks Sealed", duration 1: 2,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 310%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Attacks Sealed", duration 1: 2,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 400%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Attacks Sealed", duration 1: 2,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 510%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Attacks Sealed", duration 1: 2,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 680%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Attacks Sealed", duration 1: 2,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 900%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Attacks Sealed", duration 1: 3,
Divine Wind of Onmyousamurai
Description: The fusion of onmyouji and samurai to combine the power of both to attack target.
Effect: Convert damage caused by this jutsu to HP by 100%
Dmg: [(lvl)x 900%]
CP: [(lvl)x 1000%]
CD: 18
Level 1 - Cp:[lvl x 160%], damage:[lvl x 100%],
effect type 1:"Drain HP", effect amount 1: 5%,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 190%], damage:[lvl x 120%],
effect type 1:"Drain HP", effect amount 1: 10%,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 230%], damage:[lvl x 150%],
effect type 1:"Drain HP", effect amount 1: 15%,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 280%], damage:[lvl x 190%],
effect type 1:"Drain HP", effect amount 1: 20%,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 340%], damage:[lvl x 240%],
effect type 1:"Drain HP", effect amount 1: 25%,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 410%], damage:[lvl x 310%],
effect type 1:"Drain HP", effect amount 1: 30%,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 510%], damage:[lvl x 400%],
effect type 1:"Drain HP", effect amount 1: 40%,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 720%], damage:[lvl x 510%],
effect type 1:"Drain HP", effect amount 1: 55%,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 850%], damage:[lvl x 680%],
effect type 1:"Drain HP", effect amount 1: 75%,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 1000%], damage:[lvl x 900%],
effect type 1:"Drain HP", effect amount 1: 100%,
effect type 1:"Drain HP", effect amount 1: 5%,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 190%], damage:[lvl x 120%],
effect type 1:"Drain HP", effect amount 1: 10%,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 230%], damage:[lvl x 150%],
effect type 1:"Drain HP", effect amount 1: 15%,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 280%], damage:[lvl x 190%],
effect type 1:"Drain HP", effect amount 1: 20%,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 340%], damage:[lvl x 240%],
effect type 1:"Drain HP", effect amount 1: 25%,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 410%], damage:[lvl x 310%],
effect type 1:"Drain HP", effect amount 1: 30%,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 510%], damage:[lvl x 400%],
effect type 1:"Drain HP", effect amount 1: 40%,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 720%], damage:[lvl x 510%],
effect type 1:"Drain HP", effect amount 1: 55%,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 850%], damage:[lvl x 680%],
effect type 1:"Drain HP", effect amount 1: 75%,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 1000%], damage:[lvl x 900%],
effect type 1:"Drain HP", effect amount 1: 100%,
Ninja Saga Dark Eye Reference
- Combine eye skill with acupuncture skill to give user the ability to look through the target’s nerves and meridians.
Cost: 500,000 Gold
Req: lvl40/Jounin
Cost: 500,000 Gold
Req: lvl40/Jounin
- Dark Eye
- Acupuncture Needle Barrage
- Meridian Search
- Acupuncture Meridian Anesthesia
- Meridian Strengthen
- Acupuncture Meridians Destruction
Talent tree
![Dark Eye Talent tree Dark Eye Talent tree](
*Dmg - Damage
*CP - Chakra Points
*CD - Cool Down
*CP - Chakra Points
*CD - Cool Down
Dark Eye
Description: The awakening of Dark Eye grants user with strong vision.
Effect: Increase accuracy by 5%, Increase dodge chance by 5%
Dmg: --
CP: --
CD: [Passive Skill]
Level 1 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Accuracy", effect amount 1: 0.2%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", effect amount 2: 0.2%,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Accuracy", effect amount 1: 0.5%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", effect amount 2: 0.5%,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Accuracy", effect amount 1: 1%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", effect amount 2: 1%,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Accuracy", effect amount 1: 1.5%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", effect amount 2: 1.5%,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Accuracy", effect amount 1: 2%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", effect amount 2: 2%,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Accuracy", effect amount 1: 2.6%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", effect amount 2: 2.6%,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Accuracy", effect amount 1: 3.2%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", effect amount 2: 3.2%,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Accuracy", effect amount 1: 3.8%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", effect amount 2: 3.8%,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Accuracy", effect amount 1: 4.4%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", effect amount 2: 4.4%,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Accuracy", effect amount 1: 5%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", effect amount 2: 5%,
effect type 1:"Accuracy", effect amount 1: 0.2%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", effect amount 2: 0.2%,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Accuracy", effect amount 1: 0.5%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", effect amount 2: 0.5%,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Accuracy", effect amount 1: 1%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", effect amount 2: 1%,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Accuracy", effect amount 1: 1.5%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", effect amount 2: 1.5%,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Accuracy", effect amount 1: 2%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", effect amount 2: 2%,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Accuracy", effect amount 1: 2.6%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", effect amount 2: 2.6%,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Accuracy", effect amount 1: 3.2%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", effect amount 2: 3.2%,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Accuracy", effect amount 1: 3.8%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", effect amount 2: 3.8%,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Accuracy", effect amount 1: 4.4%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", effect amount 2: 4.4%,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Accuracy", effect amount 1: 5%,
effect type 2:"Dodge", effect amount 2: 5%,
Acupuncture Needle Barrage
Description: Aim at meridians of target and throw needles to interfere with CP recovery of target.
Effect: Target can only refill 60% of the maximum CP (4 turns)
Dmg: [(lvl)x900%]
CP: [(lvl)x1200%]
CD: 18
Level 1 - Cp:[lvl x 100%], damage:[lvl x 180%],
effect type 1:"Max Cp recover", duration 1: 1, effect amount 1: -2%,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 150%], damage:[lvl x 220%],
effect type 1:"Max Cp recover", duration 1: 1, effect amount 1: -2.8%,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 210%], damage:[lvl x 270%],
effect type 1:"Max Cp recover", duration 1: 1, effect amount 1: -4%,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 280%], damage:[lvl x 330%],
effect type 1:"Max Cp recover", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -5.6%,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 360%], damage:[lvl x 400%],
effect type 1:"Max Cp recover", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -7.6%,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 460%], damage:[lvl x 480%],
effect type 1:"Max Cp recover", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -10%,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 580%], damage:[lvl x 570%],
effect type 1:"Max Cp recover", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -12.8%,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 720%], damage:[lvl x 670%],
effect type 1:"Max Cp recover", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -16.5%,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 920%], damage:[lvl x 780%],
effect type 1:"Max Cp recover", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -22%,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 1200%], damage:[lvl x 900%],
effect type 1:"Max Cp recover", duration 1: 4, effect amount 1: -40%,
effect type 1:"Max Cp recover", duration 1: 1, effect amount 1: -2%,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 150%], damage:[lvl x 220%],
effect type 1:"Max Cp recover", duration 1: 1, effect amount 1: -2.8%,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 210%], damage:[lvl x 270%],
effect type 1:"Max Cp recover", duration 1: 1, effect amount 1: -4%,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 280%], damage:[lvl x 330%],
effect type 1:"Max Cp recover", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -5.6%,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 360%], damage:[lvl x 400%],
effect type 1:"Max Cp recover", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -7.6%,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 460%], damage:[lvl x 480%],
effect type 1:"Max Cp recover", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -10%,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 580%], damage:[lvl x 570%],
effect type 1:"Max Cp recover", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -12.8%,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 720%], damage:[lvl x 670%],
effect type 1:"Max Cp recover", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -16.5%,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 920%], damage:[lvl x 780%],
effect type 1:"Max Cp recover", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -22%,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 1200%], damage:[lvl x 900%],
effect type 1:"Max Cp recover", duration 1: 4, effect amount 1: -40%,
Meridian Search
Description: Visualize the position of meridians of target and give better chance to do critical damage.
Effect: Increase critical chance by 5%, Increase critical damage by 10%
Dmg: --
CP: --
CD: Passive Skill
Level 1 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Critical %", effect amount 1: 0.2%,
effect type 2:"Critical Damage", effect amount 2: 0.4%,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Critical %", effect amount 1: 0.4%,
effect type 2:"Critical Damage", effect amount 2: 0.8%,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Critical %", effect amount 1: 0.7%,
effect type 2:"Critical Damage", effect amount 2: 1.4%,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Critical %", effect amount 1: 1%,
effect type 2:"Critical Damage", effect amount 2: 2.2%,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Critical %", effect amount 1: 1.5%,
effect type 2:"Critical Damage", effect amount 2: 3%,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Critical %", effect amount 1: 2%,
effect type 2:"Critical Damage", effect amount 2: 4%,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Critical %", effect amount 1: 2.5%,
effect type 2:"Critical Damage", effect amount 2: 5%,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Critical %", effect amount 1: 3%,
effect type 2:"Critical Damage", effect amount 2: 6%,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Critical %", effect amount 1: 4%,
effect type 2:"Critical Damage", effect amount 2: 8%,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Critical %", effect amount 1: 5%,
effect type 2:"Critical Damage", effect amount 2: 10%,
effect type 1:"Critical %", effect amount 1: 0.2%,
effect type 2:"Critical Damage", effect amount 2: 0.4%,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Critical %", effect amount 1: 0.4%,
effect type 2:"Critical Damage", effect amount 2: 0.8%,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Critical %", effect amount 1: 0.7%,
effect type 2:"Critical Damage", effect amount 2: 1.4%,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Critical %", effect amount 1: 1%,
effect type 2:"Critical Damage", effect amount 2: 2.2%,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Critical %", effect amount 1: 1.5%,
effect type 2:"Critical Damage", effect amount 2: 3%,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Critical %", effect amount 1: 2%,
effect type 2:"Critical Damage", effect amount 2: 4%,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Critical %", effect amount 1: 2.5%,
effect type 2:"Critical Damage", effect amount 2: 5%,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Critical %", effect amount 1: 3%,
effect type 2:"Critical Damage", effect amount 2: 6%,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Critical %", effect amount 1: 4%,
effect type 2:"Critical Damage", effect amount 2: 8%,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Critical %", effect amount 1: 5%,
effect type 2:"Critical Damage", effect amount 2: 10%,
Acupuncture Meridian Anesthesia
Description: Anesthetize yourself to reduce damage and recover HP for a number of turns, but interfere with CP.
Effect: Reduce damage taken by 20% (4 turns), Recover HP by 10% each turn (3 turns), User is not allowed to charge (3 turns)
Dmg: --
CP: [(lvl)x900%]
CD: 16
Level 1 - Cp:[lvl x 100%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"defence all", duration 1: 1, effect amount 1: 1%,
effect type 2:"HP Recovery", duration 2: 1, effect amount 2: 0.5%,
effect type 3:"Restrict Charge", duration 3: 1,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 120%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"defence all", duration 1: 1, effect amount 1: 2%,
effect type 2:"HP Recovery", duration 2: 1, effect amount 2: 0.6%,
effect type 3:"Restrict Charge", duration 3: 1,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 150%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"defence all", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: 3%,
effect type 2:"HP Recovery", duration 2: 1, effect amount 2: 1.4%,
effect type 3:"Restrict Charge", duration 3: 1,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 190%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"defence all", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: 4.2%,
effect type 2:"HP Recovery", duration 2: 1, effect amount 2: 2.1%,
effect type 3:"Restrict Charge", duration 3: 1,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 240%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"defence all", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: 5.6%,
effect type 2:"HP Recovery", duration 2: 2, effect amount 2: 2.8%,
effect type 3:"Restrict Charge", duration 3: 2,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 310%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"defence all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: 7.2%,
effect type 2:"HP Recovery", duration 2: 2, effect amount 2: 3.6%,
effect type 3:"Restrict Charge", duration 3: 2,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 400%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"defence all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: 9%,
effect type 2:"HP Recovery", duration 2: 2, effect amount 2: 4.5%,
effect type 3:"Restrict Charge", duration 3: 2,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 510%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"defence all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: 11.2%,
effect type 2:"HP Recovery", duration 2: 2, effect amount 2: 5.6%,
effect type 3:"Restrict Charge", duration 3: 2,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 680%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"defence all", duration 1: 4, effect amount 1: 14.4%,
effect type 2:"HP Recovery", duration 2: 2, effect amount 2: 7.2%,
effect type 3:"Restrict Charge", duration 3: 2,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 900%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"defence all", duration 1: 4, effect amount 1: 20%,
effect type 2:"HP Recovery", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: 10%,
effect type 3:"Restrict Charge", duration 3: 3,
effect type 1:"defence all", duration 1: 1, effect amount 1: 1%,
effect type 2:"HP Recovery", duration 2: 1, effect amount 2: 0.5%,
effect type 3:"Restrict Charge", duration 3: 1,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 120%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"defence all", duration 1: 1, effect amount 1: 2%,
effect type 2:"HP Recovery", duration 2: 1, effect amount 2: 0.6%,
effect type 3:"Restrict Charge", duration 3: 1,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 150%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"defence all", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: 3%,
effect type 2:"HP Recovery", duration 2: 1, effect amount 2: 1.4%,
effect type 3:"Restrict Charge", duration 3: 1,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 190%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"defence all", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: 4.2%,
effect type 2:"HP Recovery", duration 2: 1, effect amount 2: 2.1%,
effect type 3:"Restrict Charge", duration 3: 1,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 240%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"defence all", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: 5.6%,
effect type 2:"HP Recovery", duration 2: 2, effect amount 2: 2.8%,
effect type 3:"Restrict Charge", duration 3: 2,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 310%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"defence all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: 7.2%,
effect type 2:"HP Recovery", duration 2: 2, effect amount 2: 3.6%,
effect type 3:"Restrict Charge", duration 3: 2,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 400%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"defence all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: 9%,
effect type 2:"HP Recovery", duration 2: 2, effect amount 2: 4.5%,
effect type 3:"Restrict Charge", duration 3: 2,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 510%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"defence all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: 11.2%,
effect type 2:"HP Recovery", duration 2: 2, effect amount 2: 5.6%,
effect type 3:"Restrict Charge", duration 3: 2,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 680%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"defence all", duration 1: 4, effect amount 1: 14.4%,
effect type 2:"HP Recovery", duration 2: 2, effect amount 2: 7.2%,
effect type 3:"Restrict Charge", duration 3: 2,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 900%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"defence all", duration 1: 4, effect amount 1: 20%,
effect type 2:"HP Recovery", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: 10%,
effect type 3:"Restrict Charge", duration 3: 3,
Meridian Strengthen
Description: Strengthen your meridian system to recover more chakra.
Effect: Increases maximum CP by 20%, Recover CP by extra 25% per charge.
Dmg: --
CP: --
CD: Passive Skill
Level 1 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Max Cp", effect amount 1: 2%,
effect type 2:"Extra Charge Recover", effect amount 2: 2.5%,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Max Cp", effect amount 1: 4%,
effect type 2:"Extra Charge Recover", effect amount 2: 5%,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Max Cp", effect amount 1: 6%,
effect type 2:"Extra Charge Recover", effect amount 2: 7.5%,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Max Cp", effect amount 1: 8%,
effect type 2:"Extra Charge Recover", effect amount 2: 10%,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Max Cp", effect amount 1: 10%,
effect type 2:"Extra Charge Recover", effect amount 2: 12.5%,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Max Cp", effect amount 1: 12%,
effect type 2:"Extra Charge Recover", effect amount 2: 15%,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Max Cp", effect amount 1: 14%,
effect type 2:"Extra Charge Recover", effect amount 2: 17.5%,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Max Cp", effect amount 1: 16%,
effect type 2:"Extra Charge Recover", effect amount 2: 20%,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Max Cp", effect amount 1: 18%,
effect type 2:"Extra Charge Recover", effect amount 2: 22.5%,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Max Cp", effect amount 1: 20%,
effect type 2:"Extra Charge Recover", effect amount 2: 25%,
effect type 1:"Max Cp", effect amount 1: 2%,
effect type 2:"Extra Charge Recover", effect amount 2: 2.5%,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Max Cp", effect amount 1: 4%,
effect type 2:"Extra Charge Recover", effect amount 2: 5%,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Max Cp", effect amount 1: 6%,
effect type 2:"Extra Charge Recover", effect amount 2: 7.5%,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Max Cp", effect amount 1: 8%,
effect type 2:"Extra Charge Recover", effect amount 2: 10%,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Max Cp", effect amount 1: 10%,
effect type 2:"Extra Charge Recover", effect amount 2: 12.5%,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Max Cp", effect amount 1: 12%,
effect type 2:"Extra Charge Recover", effect amount 2: 15%,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Max Cp", effect amount 1: 14%,
effect type 2:"Extra Charge Recover", effect amount 2: 17.5%,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Max Cp", effect amount 1: 16%,
effect type 2:"Extra Charge Recover", effect amount 2: 20%,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Max Cp", effect amount 1: 18%,
effect type 2:"Extra Charge Recover", effect amount 2: 22.5%,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Max Cp", effect amount 1: 20%,
effect type 2:"Extra Charge Recover", effect amount 2: 25%,
Acupuncture Meridians Destruction
Description: Aim at meridians of target and acupuncture to interfere target's flow of chakra in the body.
Effect: Restrict target (cannot use skills)(2 turns), 30% chance to clear all buff of target
Dmg: [(lvl)x1150%]
CP: [(lvl)x1200%]
CD: 18
Level 1 - Cp:[lvl x 100%], damage:[lvl x 200%],
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration 1: 1,
effect type 2:"Clear buff", chancetohit 2: 1%,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 150%], damage:[lvl x 260%],
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration 1: 1,
effect type 2:"Clear buff", chancetohit 2: 2%,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 210%], damage:[lvl x 330%],
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration 1: 1,
effect type 2:"Clear buff", chancetohit 2: 3%,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 280%], damage:[lvl x 410%],
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration 1: 1,
effect type 2:"Clear buff", chancetohit 2: 5%,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 360%], damage:[lvl x 500%],
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration 1: 1,
effect type 2:"Clear buff", chancetohit 2: 7%,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 460%], damage:[lvl x 580%],
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration 1: 2,
effect type 2:"Clear buff", chancetohit 2: 10%,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 580%], damage:[lvl x 660%],
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration 1: 2,
effect type 2:"Clear buff", chancetohit 2: 14%,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 720%], damage:[lvl x 780%],
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration 1: 2,
effect type 2:"Clear buff", chancetohit 2: 19%,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 920%], damage:[lvl x 910%],
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration 1: 2,
effect type 2:"Clear buff", chancetohit 2: 24%,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 1200%}, damage:[lvl x 1150%],
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration 1: 2,
effect type 2:"Clear buff", chancetohit 2: 30%,
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration 1: 1,
effect type 2:"Clear buff", chancetohit 2: 1%,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 150%], damage:[lvl x 260%],
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration 1: 1,
effect type 2:"Clear buff", chancetohit 2: 2%,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 210%], damage:[lvl x 330%],
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration 1: 1,
effect type 2:"Clear buff", chancetohit 2: 3%,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 280%], damage:[lvl x 410%],
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration 1: 1,
effect type 2:"Clear buff", chancetohit 2: 5%,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 360%], damage:[lvl x 500%],
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration 1: 1,
effect type 2:"Clear buff", chancetohit 2: 7%,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 460%], damage:[lvl x 580%],
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration 1: 2,
effect type 2:"Clear buff", chancetohit 2: 10%,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 580%], damage:[lvl x 660%],
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration 1: 2,
effect type 2:"Clear buff", chancetohit 2: 14%,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 720%], damage:[lvl x 780%],
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration 1: 2,
effect type 2:"Clear buff", chancetohit 2: 19%,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 920%], damage:[lvl x 910%],
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration 1: 2,
effect type 2:"Clear buff", chancetohit 2: 24%,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 1200%}, damage:[lvl x 1150%],
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration 1: 2,
effect type 2:"Clear buff", chancetohit 2: 30%,
Ninja Saga Eye of Mirror Reference
– An ancient eye skill that grants users with strong vision and perception, but it also brings huge physical burdens.
Cost: 400 Token (Emblem Required)
Req: lvl40/Jounin
Req: lvl40/Jounin
- Eye of Mirror
- Crescent Eye of Mirror
- Mirror of Passion
- Mirror of Strength
- Mirror of Grace
- Mirror of Freedom
Talent tree
*All numbers are at lvl10*
Eye of Mirror
Description: The awakening of Eye of Mirror grants the user with the ability to copy the jutsu of the target.
Effect: After enemy used a skill in battle, there is a 15% chance you can automatically copy and use that skill immediately. (Not effective when CP is not adequate for copying skill)
Damage: --
Chakra Points: --
Cool Down: Passive Skill
Level 1 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"copy jutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 1%
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"copy jutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 1.4%
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"copy jutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 2%
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"copy jutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 2.8%
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"copy jutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 3.8%
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"copy jutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 5%
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"copy jutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 6.4%
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"copy jutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 8%
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"copy jutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 11%
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"copy jutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 15%
effect type 1:"copy jutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 1%
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"copy jutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 1.4%
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"copy jutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 2%
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"copy jutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 2.8%
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"copy jutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 3.8%
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"copy jutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 5%
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"copy jutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 6.4%
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"copy jutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 8%
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"copy jutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 11%
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"copy jutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 15%
Crescent Eye of Mirror
Description: The awakening of Crescent Eye of Mirror grants user with ability to rebound effects of genjutsu.
Effect: 20% chance to rebound Genjutsu (Talent skills will not be affected)
Damage: --
Chakra Points:--
Cool Down: Passive Skill
Level 1 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"reflect genjutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 1%
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"reflect genjutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 1.4%
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"reflect genjutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 2%
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"reflect genjutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 2.8%
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"reflect genjutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 3.8%
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"reflect genjutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 5%
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"reflect genjutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 6.4%
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"reflect genjutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 8%
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"reflect genjutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 13%
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"reflect genjutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 20%
effect type 1:"reflect genjutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 1%
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"reflect genjutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 1.4%
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"reflect genjutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 2%
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"reflect genjutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 2.8%
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"reflect genjutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 3.8%
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"reflect genjutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 5%
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"reflect genjutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 6.4%
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"reflect genjutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 8%
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"reflect genjutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 13%
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"reflect genjutsu", chancetoeffect 1: 20%
Mirror of Passion
Description: Generate violet blaze of flame to burn everything the user see.
Effect: Reduces target HP by 1.5% for 10 turns.
Damage: [(lvl)x950%]
Chakra Points: [(lvl)x1000%]
Cool Down: 22
Level 1 - Cp:[lvl x 100%], Damage:[lvl x 180%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 5, effect amount 1: -0.1%,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 200%], Damage:[lvl x 220%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 6, effect amount 1: -0.2%,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 300%], Damage:[lvl x 270%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 6, effect amount 1: -0.3%,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 400%], Damage:[lvl x 330%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 7, effect amount 1: -0.4%,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 500%], Damage:[lvl x 400%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 7, effect amount 1: -0.55%,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 600%], Damage:[lvl x 460%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 8, effect amount 1: -0.65%,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 700%], Damage:[lvl x 520%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 8, effect amount 1: -0.8%,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 800%], Damage:[lvl x 620%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 9, effect amount 1: -1%,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 900%], Damage:[lvl x 730%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 9, effect amount 1: -1.25%,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 1000%], Damage:[lvl x 950%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 10, effect amount 1: -1.5%,
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 5, effect amount 1: -0.1%,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 200%], Damage:[lvl x 220%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 6, effect amount 1: -0.2%,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 300%], Damage:[lvl x 270%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 6, effect amount 1: -0.3%,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 400%], Damage:[lvl x 330%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 7, effect amount 1: -0.4%,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 500%], Damage:[lvl x 400%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 7, effect amount 1: -0.55%,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 600%], Damage:[lvl x 460%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 8, effect amount 1: -0.65%,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 700%], Damage:[lvl x 520%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 8, effect amount 1: -0.8%,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 800%], Damage:[lvl x 620%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 9, effect amount 1: -1%,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 900%], Damage:[lvl x 730%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 9, effect amount 1: -1.25%,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 1000%], Damage:[lvl x 950%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 10, effect amount 1: -1.5%,
Mirror of Strength
Description: Chakra of user is incarnated into a titan.
Effect: Activate Titan Attack (550% damage of character level)(3 turns), Successful Titan Attack has 10% chance to 'Stun' the enemy for 1 turn
Damage: [(lvl)x550%]
Chakra Points: [(lvl)x1200%]
Cool Down: 24
Level 1 - Cp:[lvl x 100%], damage:[lvl x 100%],
effect type 1:"Titan Mode", duration 1: 2,
effect type 2:"Stun", duration 2: 1, chancetohit 2: 1%
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 150%], damage:[lvl x 110%],
effect type 1:"Titan Mode", duration 1: 2,
effect type 2:"Stun", duration 2: 1, chancetohit 2: 2%
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 210%], damage:[lvl x 130%],
effect type 1:"Titan Mode", duration 1: 2,
effect type 2:"Stun", duration 2: 1, chancetohit 2: 3%
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 280%], damage:[lvl x 160%],
effect type 1:"Titan Mode", duration 1: 3,
effect type 2:"Stun", duration 2: 1, chancetohit 2: 4%
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 360%], damage:[lvl x 200%],
effect type 1:"Titan Mode", duration 1: 3,
effect type 2:"Stun", duration 2: 1, chancetohit 2: 5%
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 460%], damage:[lvl x 250%],
effect type 1:"Titan Mode", duration 1: 3,
effect type 2:"Stun", duration 2: 1, chancetohit 2: 6%
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 580%], skill_damage:[lvl x 310%],
effect type 1:"Titan Mode", duration 1: 4,
effect type 2:"Stun", duration 2: 1, chancetohit 2: 7%
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 720%], damage:[lvl x 380%],
effect type 1:"Titan Mode", duration 1: 4,
effect type 2:"Stun", duration 2: 1, chancetohit 2: 8%
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 920%], damage:[lvl x 460%],
effect type 1:"Titan Mode", duration 1: 4,
effect type 2:"Stun", duration 2: 1, chancetohit 2: 9%
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 1200%], damage:[lvl x 550%],
effect type 1:"Titan Mode", duration 1: 5,
effect type 2:"Stun", duration 2: 1, chancetohit 2: 10%
effect type 1:"Titan Mode", duration 1: 2,
effect type 2:"Stun", duration 2: 1, chancetohit 2: 1%
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 150%], damage:[lvl x 110%],
effect type 1:"Titan Mode", duration 1: 2,
effect type 2:"Stun", duration 2: 1, chancetohit 2: 2%
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 210%], damage:[lvl x 130%],
effect type 1:"Titan Mode", duration 1: 2,
effect type 2:"Stun", duration 2: 1, chancetohit 2: 3%
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 280%], damage:[lvl x 160%],
effect type 1:"Titan Mode", duration 1: 3,
effect type 2:"Stun", duration 2: 1, chancetohit 2: 4%
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 360%], damage:[lvl x 200%],
effect type 1:"Titan Mode", duration 1: 3,
effect type 2:"Stun", duration 2: 1, chancetohit 2: 5%
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 460%], damage:[lvl x 250%],
effect type 1:"Titan Mode", duration 1: 3,
effect type 2:"Stun", duration 2: 1, chancetohit 2: 6%
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 580%], skill_damage:[lvl x 310%],
effect type 1:"Titan Mode", duration 1: 4,
effect type 2:"Stun", duration 2: 1, chancetohit 2: 7%
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 720%], damage:[lvl x 380%],
effect type 1:"Titan Mode", duration 1: 4,
effect type 2:"Stun", duration 2: 1, chancetohit 2: 8%
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 920%], damage:[lvl x 460%],
effect type 1:"Titan Mode", duration 1: 4,
effect type 2:"Stun", duration 2: 1, chancetohit 2: 9%
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 1200%], damage:[lvl x 550%],
effect type 1:"Titan Mode", duration 1: 5,
effect type 2:"Stun", duration 2: 1, chancetohit 2: 10%
Mirror of Grace
Description: Target is trapped into the world of hallucinations.
Effect: 100% chance to inflict Chaos & Restriction on target (cannot control character and use jutsu)(3 turns), Reduce target damage by 100% for 3 turns.
Damage: --
Chakra Points: [(lvl)x1200%]
Cool Down: 18
Level 1 - Cp:[lvl x 120%], Damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration: 3, chancetohit: 5%,
effect type 2:"Weaken", duration 2: 3, chancetohit 2: 100%,
effect type 3:"Chaos", duration 3: 3, chancetohit 3: 5%
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 240%], Damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration: 3, chancetohit: 10%,
effect type 2:"Weaken", duration 2: 3, chancetohit 2: 100%,
effect type 3:"Chaos", duration 3: 3, chancetohit 3: 10%
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 360%], Damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration: 3, chancetohit: 15%,
effect type 2:"Weaken", duration 2: 3, chancetohit 2: 100%,
effect type 3:"Chaos", duration 3: 3, chancetohit 3: 15%
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 480%], Damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration: 3, chancetohit: 20%,
effect type 2:"Weaken", duration 2: 3, chancetohit 2: 100%,
effect type 3:"Chaos", duration 3: 3, chancetohit 3: 20%
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 600%], Damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration: 3, chancetohit: 25%,
effect type 2:"Weaken", duration 2: 3, chancetohit 2: 100%,
effect type 3:"Chaos", duration 3: 3, chancetohit 3: 25%
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 720%], Damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration: 3, chancetohit: 30%,
effect type 2:"Weaken", duration 2: 3, chancetohit 2: 100%,
effect type 3:"Chaos", duration 3: 3, chancetohit 3: 30%
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 840%], Damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration: 3, chancetohit: 40%,
effect type 2:"Weaken", duration 2: 3, chancetohit 2: 100%,
effect type 3:"Chaos", duration 3: 3, chancetohit 3: 40%
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 960%], Damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration: 3, chancetohit: 55%,
effect type 2:"Weaken", duration 2: 3, chancetohit 2: 100%,
effect type 3:"Chaos", duration 3: 3, chancetohit 3: 55%
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 1080%], Damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration: 3, chancetohit: 75%,
effect type 2:"Weaken", duration 2: 3, chancetohit 2: 100%,
effect type 3:"Chaos", duration 3: 3, chancetohit 3: 75%
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 1200%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration: 3, chancetohit: 100%,
effect type 2:"Weaken", duration 2: 3, chancetohit 2: 100%,
effect type 3:"Chaos", duration 3: 3, chancetohit 3: 100%
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration: 3, chancetohit: 5%,
effect type 2:"Weaken", duration 2: 3, chancetohit 2: 100%,
effect type 3:"Chaos", duration 3: 3, chancetohit 3: 5%
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 240%], Damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration: 3, chancetohit: 10%,
effect type 2:"Weaken", duration 2: 3, chancetohit 2: 100%,
effect type 3:"Chaos", duration 3: 3, chancetohit 3: 10%
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 360%], Damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration: 3, chancetohit: 15%,
effect type 2:"Weaken", duration 2: 3, chancetohit 2: 100%,
effect type 3:"Chaos", duration 3: 3, chancetohit 3: 15%
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 480%], Damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration: 3, chancetohit: 20%,
effect type 2:"Weaken", duration 2: 3, chancetohit 2: 100%,
effect type 3:"Chaos", duration 3: 3, chancetohit 3: 20%
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 600%], Damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration: 3, chancetohit: 25%,
effect type 2:"Weaken", duration 2: 3, chancetohit 2: 100%,
effect type 3:"Chaos", duration 3: 3, chancetohit 3: 25%
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 720%], Damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration: 3, chancetohit: 30%,
effect type 2:"Weaken", duration 2: 3, chancetohit 2: 100%,
effect type 3:"Chaos", duration 3: 3, chancetohit 3: 30%
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 840%], Damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration: 3, chancetohit: 40%,
effect type 2:"Weaken", duration 2: 3, chancetohit 2: 100%,
effect type 3:"Chaos", duration 3: 3, chancetohit 3: 40%
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 960%], Damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration: 3, chancetohit: 55%,
effect type 2:"Weaken", duration 2: 3, chancetohit 2: 100%,
effect type 3:"Chaos", duration 3: 3, chancetohit 3: 55%
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 1080%], Damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration: 3, chancetohit: 75%,
effect type 2:"Weaken", duration 2: 3, chancetohit 2: 100%,
effect type 3:"Chaos", duration 3: 3, chancetohit 3: 75%
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 1200%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Restriction", duration: 3, chancetohit: 100%,
effect type 2:"Weaken", duration 2: 3, chancetohit 2: 100%,
effect type 3:"Chaos", duration 3: 3, chancetohit 3: 100%
Mirror of Freedom
Description: Cast the ultimate genjutsu on own self so as to travel between the world of.
Effect: Recover HP and CP by 40% when HP is below 0 for once. User cannot use Eye of Mirror skills again in the same battle.
Damage: --
Chakra Points: --
Cool Down: Passive Skill
Level 1 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"resurrection", effect amount 1: 2%
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"resurrection", effect amount 1: 5%
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"resurrection", effect amount 1: 8%
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"resurrection", effect amount 1: 12%
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"resurrection", effect amount 1: 16%
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"resurrection", effect amount 1: 20%
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"resurrection", effect amount 1: 24%
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"resurrection", effect amount 1: 29%
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"resurrection", effect amount 1: 34%
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"resurrection", effect amount 1: 40%
effect type 1:"resurrection", effect amount 1: 2%
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"resurrection", effect amount 1: 5%
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"resurrection", effect amount 1: 8%
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"resurrection", effect amount 1: 12%
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"resurrection", effect amount 1: 16%
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"resurrection", effect amount 1: 20%
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"resurrection", effect amount 1: 24%
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"resurrection", effect amount 1: 29%
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"resurrection", effect amount 1: 34%
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"resurrection", effect amount 1: 40%
Bakat Rahasia (Secret Talent) Ninja Saga
Demon Sound
Demon Sound
Demon Song
Deskripsi : Kemungkinan untuk mengurangi damage serangan dari lawan dengan memukul lawan dengan ninjutsu petir-angin.
Efek : 60% kemungkinan untuk mengurangi damage lawan sebesar 10% (3 giliran)
Dmg : –
CP : –
CD : Skill Pasif
Efek : 60% kemungkinan untuk mengurangi damage lawan sebesar 10% (3 giliran)
Dmg : –
CP : –
CD : Skill Pasif
Phantom Wave
Deskripsi : Memainkan musik Iblis untuk mengganggu perhatian dari lawan.
Efek : Mengurangi akurasi lawan sebesar 20% (3 giliran), mengurangi rata2 critical lawan sebesar 20% (3 giliran)
Dmg : [(lvl)x500%]
CP : [(lvl)x900%]
CD : 16
Efek : Mengurangi akurasi lawan sebesar 20% (3 giliran), mengurangi rata2 critical lawan sebesar 20% (3 giliran)
Dmg : [(lvl)x500%]
CP : [(lvl)x900%]
CD : 16
Song of Fantasia
Deskripsi : Memainkan musik dari Iblis untuk sementara menghapus ilmu jutsu dari lawan.
Efek : Memungkinkan untuk memasukan 1 skill dari lawan secara acak menjadi cooldown selama 3-8 giliran (dapat diperpanjang)
Dmg : –
CP : [(lvl)x550%]
CD : 18
Description: Chance to reduce attack damage by enemy by hitting enemy with thunder-wind ninjutsu.
Effect: 60% chance to reduce target's damage by 10% (3 turns)
Dmg: --
CP: --
CD: [Passive Skill]
Description: Play the song of demon to interfere with the attention of target.
Effect: Reduce target's accuracy by 20% (3 turns), reduce target's critical rate by 20% (3 turns)
Dmg: [(lvl)x800%]
CP: [(lvl)x900%]
CD: 16
Description: Play the song of demon to temporarily erase jutsu knowledge of target.
Effect: Put target's 1 random skill into cooldown for 8 turns (can be extended)
Dmg: [(lvl)x350%]
CP: [(lvl)x550%]
CD: 18
Efek : Memungkinkan untuk memasukan 1 skill dari lawan secara acak menjadi cooldown selama 3-8 giliran (dapat diperpanjang)
Dmg : –
CP : [(lvl)x550%]
CD : 18
Ninja Saga "Demon Sound" Reference
The Demon Sound is combined by the elements of Thunder and Wind. Users interfere targets with different kinds of sounds and music.
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold
Req: lvl50/Jounin (Thunder & Wind)
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold
Req: lvl50/Jounin (Thunder & Wind)
- Demon Song
- Demon Song: Phantom Wave
- Demon Song: Song of Fantasia
Talent Tree
Demon Song
Description: Chance to reduce attack damage by enemy by hitting enemy with thunder-wind ninjutsu.
Effect: 60% chance to reduce target's damage by 10% (3 turns)
Dmg: --
CP: --
CD: [Passive Skill]
Level 1 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%], effect requirement :"lightning,wind"
effect type 1:"Damage all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -0.4%, chancetoeffect 1: 6%,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%], effect requirement :"lightning,wind"
effect type 1:"Damage all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -1%, chancetoeffect 1: 9%,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%], effect requirement :"lightning,wind"
effect type 1:"Damage all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -2%, chancetoeffect 1: 12%,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%], effect requirement :"lightning,wind"
effect type 1:"Damage all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -3%, chancetoeffect 1: 15%,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%], effect requirement :"lightning,wind"
effect type 1:"Damage all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -4%, chancetoeffect 1: 21%,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%], effect requirement :"lightning,wind"
effect type 1:"Damage all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -5.2%, chancetoeffect 1: 27%,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%], effect requirement :"lightning,wind"
effect type 1:"Damage all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -6.4%, chancetoeffect 1: 33%,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%], effect requirement :"lightning,wind"
effect type 1:"Damage all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -7.6%, chancetoeffect 1: 39%,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%], effect requirement :"lightning,wind"
effect type 1:"Damage all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -8.8%, chancetoeffect 1: 48%,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%], effect requirement :"lightning,wind"
effect type 1:"Damage all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -10%, chancetoeffect 1: 60%,
effect type 1:"Damage all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -0.4%, chancetoeffect 1: 6%,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%], effect requirement :"lightning,wind"
effect type 1:"Damage all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -1%, chancetoeffect 1: 9%,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%], effect requirement :"lightning,wind"
effect type 1:"Damage all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -2%, chancetoeffect 1: 12%,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%], effect requirement :"lightning,wind"
effect type 1:"Damage all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -3%, chancetoeffect 1: 15%,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%], effect requirement :"lightning,wind"
effect type 1:"Damage all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -4%, chancetoeffect 1: 21%,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%], effect requirement :"lightning,wind"
effect type 1:"Damage all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -5.2%, chancetoeffect 1: 27%,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%], effect requirement :"lightning,wind"
effect type 1:"Damage all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -6.4%, chancetoeffect 1: 33%,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%], effect requirement :"lightning,wind"
effect type 1:"Damage all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -7.6%, chancetoeffect 1: 39%,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%], effect requirement :"lightning,wind"
effect type 1:"Damage all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -8.8%, chancetoeffect 1: 48%,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%], effect requirement :"lightning,wind"
effect type 1:"Damage all", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -10%, chancetoeffect 1: 60%,
Demon Song: Phantom Wave
Description: Play the song of demon to interfere with the attention of target.
Effect: Reduce target's accuracy by 20% (3 turns), reduce target's critical rate by 20% (3 turns)
Dmg: [(lvl)x800%]
CP: [(lvl)x900%]
CD: 16
Level 1 - Cp:[lvl x 100%], damage:[lvl x 100%],
effect type 1:"Accuracy", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -5%,
effect type 2:"Critical %", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -5%,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 120%], damage:[lvl x 120%],
effect type 1:"Accuracy", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -5%,
effect type 2:"Critical %", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -5%,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 150%], damage:[lvl x 180%],
effect type 1:"Accuracy", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -5.5%,
effect type 2:"Critical %", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -5.5%,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 190%], damage:[lvl x 250%],
effect type 1:"Accuracy", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -6.5%,
effect type 2:"Critical %", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -6.5%,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 240%], damage:[lvl x 340%],
effect type 1:"Accuracy", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -8%,
effect type 2:"Critical %", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -8%,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 310%], damage:[lvl x 410%],
effect type 1:"Accuracy", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -10%,
effect type 2:"Critical %", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -10%,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 400%], damage:[lvl x 480%],
effect type 1:"Accuracy", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -13%,
effect type 2:"Critical %", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -13%,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 510%], damage:[lvl x 570%],
effect type 1:"Accuracy", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -15%,
effect type 2:"Critical %", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -15%,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 680%], damage:[lvl x 680%],
effect type 1:"Accuracy", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -17%,
effect type 2:"Critical %", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -17%,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 900%], damage:[lvl x 800%],
effect type 1:"Accuracy", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -20%,
effect type 2:"Critical %", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -20%,
effect type 1:"Accuracy", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -5%,
effect type 2:"Critical %", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -5%,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 120%], damage:[lvl x 120%],
effect type 1:"Accuracy", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -5%,
effect type 2:"Critical %", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -5%,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 150%], damage:[lvl x 180%],
effect type 1:"Accuracy", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -5.5%,
effect type 2:"Critical %", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -5.5%,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 190%], damage:[lvl x 250%],
effect type 1:"Accuracy", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -6.5%,
effect type 2:"Critical %", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -6.5%,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 240%], damage:[lvl x 340%],
effect type 1:"Accuracy", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -8%,
effect type 2:"Critical %", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -8%,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 310%], damage:[lvl x 410%],
effect type 1:"Accuracy", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -10%,
effect type 2:"Critical %", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -10%,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 400%], damage:[lvl x 480%],
effect type 1:"Accuracy", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -13%,
effect type 2:"Critical %", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -13%,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 510%], damage:[lvl x 570%],
effect type 1:"Accuracy", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -15%,
effect type 2:"Critical %", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -15%,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 680%], damage:[lvl x 680%],
effect type 1:"Accuracy", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -17%,
effect type 2:"Critical %", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -17%,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 900%], damage:[lvl x 800%],
effect type 1:"Accuracy", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -20%,
effect type 2:"Critical %", duration 2: 3, effect amount 2: -20%,
Demon Song: Song of Fantasia
Description: Play the song of demon to temporarily erase jutsu knowledge of target.
Effect: Put target's 1 random skill into cooldown for 8 turns (can be extended)
Dmg: [(lvl)x350%]
CP: [(lvl)x550%]
CD: 18
Level 1 - Cp:[lvl x 100%], damage:[lvl x 65%],
effect type 1:"Modify Cooldown", effect amount 1: 3,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 110%], damage:[lvl x 80%],
effect type 1:"Modify Cooldown", effect amount 1: 3,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 130%], damage:[lvl x 100%],
effect type 1:"Modify Cooldown", effect amount 1: 4,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 160%], damage:[lvl x 125%],
effect type 1:"Modify Cooldown", effect amount 1: 4,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 200%], damage:[lvl x 150%],
effect type 1:"Modify Cooldown", effect amount 1: 5,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 250%], damage:[lvl x 175%],
effect type 1:"Modify Cooldown", effect amount 1: 5,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 310%], damage:[lvl x 200%],
effect type 1:"Modify Cooldown", effect amount 1: 6,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 380%], damage:[lvl x 235%],
effect type 1:"Modify Cooldown", effect amount 1: 6,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 460%], damage:[lvl x 275%],
effect type 1:"Modify Cooldown", effect amount 1: 7,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 550%], damage:[lvl x 350%],
effect type 1:"Modify Cooldown", effect amount 1: 8,
effect type 1:"Modify Cooldown", effect amount 1: 3,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 110%], damage:[lvl x 80%],
effect type 1:"Modify Cooldown", effect amount 1: 3,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 130%], damage:[lvl x 100%],
effect type 1:"Modify Cooldown", effect amount 1: 4,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 160%], damage:[lvl x 125%],
effect type 1:"Modify Cooldown", effect amount 1: 4,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 200%], damage:[lvl x 150%],
effect type 1:"Modify Cooldown", effect amount 1: 5,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 250%], damage:[lvl x 175%],
effect type 1:"Modify Cooldown", effect amount 1: 5,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 310%], damage:[lvl x 200%],
effect type 1:"Modify Cooldown", effect amount 1: 6,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 380%], damage:[lvl x 235%],
effect type 1:"Modify Cooldown", effect amount 1: 6,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 460%], damage:[lvl x 275%],
effect type 1:"Modify Cooldown", effect amount 1: 7,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 550%], damage:[lvl x 350%],
effect type 1:"Modify Cooldown", effect amount 1: 8,
Explosive Lava
Explosive Lava
Explosive Lava
Deskripsi : Menyalakan Lava untuk meningkatkan damage dari ninjutsu api-tanah.
Efek : Meningkatkan damage serangan sebesar 5% (1 giliran)
Dmg : –
CP : –
CD : Skill Pasif
Efek : Meningkatkan damage serangan sebesar 5% (1 giliran)
Dmg : –
CP : –
CD : Skill Pasif
Lava Shield
Deskripsi : Mengikat lawan dengan potongan dari lava ketika lawan menyerang kita. Lawan yang terkena efek akan menerima damage tambahan ketika kita menyerang dengan ninjutsu api-tanah.
Efek : Memberikan ‘Lava’ ke lawan (lawan menerima damage tambahan 20% dari ninjutsu api-tanah dan ledakan Lilin C4) (2 giliran), mengurangi rata2 dodge lawan sebesar 10% (2 giliran)
Dmg : –
CP : [(lvl)x550%]
CD : 16
Efek : Memberikan ‘Lava’ ke lawan (lawan menerima damage tambahan 20% dari ninjutsu api-tanah dan ledakan Lilin C4) (2 giliran), mengurangi rata2 dodge lawan sebesar 10% (2 giliran)
Dmg : –
CP : [(lvl)x550%]
CD : 16
Lava Spirit
Deskripsi : Membuat ledakan serangga tanah liat dan dikirim ke lawan.
Efek : 30% kemungkinan mengakibatkan 2% ‘Burn’ untuk 2 giliran.
Dmg : [(lvl)x900%]
CP : [(lvl)x900%]
CD : 16
Ninja Saga Explosive Lava Reference
-Explosive Lava is combined by the elements of Fire and Earth. Users damage targets by ignition and explosion.
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold
Req: lvl50/Jounin (Fire & Earth)
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold
Req: lvl50/Jounin (Fire & Earth)
- Explosive Lava
- Lava Shield
- Lava Spirits
Talent tree
Explosive Lava
Description: Ignite Lava to increase damage of fire-earth ninjutsu.
Effect: Increase attack damage by 5% (1 turns)
Dmg: --
CP: --
CD: [Passive Skill]
Level 1 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"damage bytype", effect amount 1: 0.1%, effect requirement 1: "fire,earth",
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"damage bytype", effect amount 1: 0.2%, effect requirement 1: "fire,earth",
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"damage bytype", effect amount 1: 0.4%, effect requirement 1: "fire,earth",
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"damage bytype", effect amount 1: 0.6%, effect requirement 1: "fire,earth",
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"damage bytype", effect amount 1: 0.8%, effect requirement 1: "fire,earth",
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"damage bytype", effect amount 1: 1.1%, effect requirement 1: "fire,earth",
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"damage bytype", effect amount 1: 1.5%, effect requirement 1: "fire,earth",
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"damage bytype", effect amount 1: 2%, effect requirement 1: "fire,earth",
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"damage bytype", effect amount 1: 3%, effect requirement 1: "fire,earth",
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"damage bytype", effect amount 1: 5%, effect requirement 1: "fire,earth",
effect type 1:"damage bytype", effect amount 1: 0.1%, effect requirement 1: "fire,earth",
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"damage bytype", effect amount 1: 0.2%, effect requirement 1: "fire,earth",
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"damage bytype", effect amount 1: 0.4%, effect requirement 1: "fire,earth",
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"damage bytype", effect amount 1: 0.6%, effect requirement 1: "fire,earth",
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"damage bytype", effect amount 1: 0.8%, effect requirement 1: "fire,earth",
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"damage bytype", effect amount 1: 1.1%, effect requirement 1: "fire,earth",
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"damage bytype", effect amount 1: 1.5%, effect requirement 1: "fire,earth",
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"damage bytype", effect amount 1: 2%, effect requirement 1: "fire,earth",
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"damage bytype", effect amount 1: 3%, effect requirement 1: "fire,earth",
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"damage bytype", effect amount 1: 5%, effect requirement 1: "fire,earth",
Lava Shield
Description: Stick target with pieces of lava when target attacks user. Affected target receives extra damage when user attacks with fire-earth ninjutsu.
Effect: Inflict 'Lava' on target (target receives extra 20% damage from fire,earth ninjutsu and C4 Exploding Clay) (2 turns), reduce target's dodge rate by 10% (2 turns)
Dmg: --
CP: [(lvl)x550%]
CD: 16
Level 1 - Cp:[lvl x 100%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Defense by type", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -2%, effect requirement 1:"fire,earth",
effect type 2:"Debuff Dodge attacker", duration 2: 2, effect amount 2: -1%,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 110%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Defense by type", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -3%, effect requirement 1:"fire,earth",
effect type 2:"Debuff Dodge attacker", duration 2: 2, effect amount 2: -1.5%,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 130%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Defense by type", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -4%, effect requirement 1:"fire,earth",
effect type 2:"Debuff Dodge attacker", duration 2: 2, effect amount 2: -2%,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 160%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Defense by type", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -6%, effect requirement 1:"fire,earth",
effect type 2:"Debuff Dodge attacker", duration 2: 2, effect amount 2: -3%,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 200%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Defense by type", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -8%, effect requirement 1:"fire,earth",
effect type 2:"Debuff Dodge attacker", duration 2: 2, effect amount 2: -4%,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 250%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Defense by type", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -10%, effect requirement 1:"fire,earth",
effect type 2:"Debuff Dodge attacker", duration 2: 2, effect amount 2: -5%,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 310%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Defense by type", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -12%, effect requirement 1:"fire,earth",
effect type 2:"Debuff Dodge attacker", duration 2: 2, effect amount 2: -6%,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 380%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Defense by type", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -14%, effect requirement 1:"fire,earth",
effect type 2:"Debuff Dodge attacker", duration 2: 2, effect amount 2: -7%,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 460%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Defense by type", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -17%, effect requirement 1:"fire,earth",
effect type 2:"Debuff Dodge attacker", duration 2: 2, effect amount 2: -10%,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 550%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Defense by type", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -20%, effect requirement 1:"fire,earth",
effect type 2:"Debuff Dodge attacker", duration 2: 2, effect amount 2: -10%,
effect type 1:"Defense by type", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -2%, effect requirement 1:"fire,earth",
effect type 2:"Debuff Dodge attacker", duration 2: 2, effect amount 2: -1%,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 110%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Defense by type", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -3%, effect requirement 1:"fire,earth",
effect type 2:"Debuff Dodge attacker", duration 2: 2, effect amount 2: -1.5%,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 130%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Defense by type", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -4%, effect requirement 1:"fire,earth",
effect type 2:"Debuff Dodge attacker", duration 2: 2, effect amount 2: -2%,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 160%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Defense by type", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -6%, effect requirement 1:"fire,earth",
effect type 2:"Debuff Dodge attacker", duration 2: 2, effect amount 2: -3%,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 200%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Defense by type", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -8%, effect requirement 1:"fire,earth",
effect type 2:"Debuff Dodge attacker", duration 2: 2, effect amount 2: -4%,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 250%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Defense by type", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -10%, effect requirement 1:"fire,earth",
effect type 2:"Debuff Dodge attacker", duration 2: 2, effect amount 2: -5%,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 310%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Defense by type", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -12%, effect requirement 1:"fire,earth",
effect type 2:"Debuff Dodge attacker", duration 2: 2, effect amount 2: -6%,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 380%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Defense by type", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -14%, effect requirement 1:"fire,earth",
effect type 2:"Debuff Dodge attacker", duration 2: 2, effect amount 2: -7%,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 460%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Defense by type", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -17%, effect requirement 1:"fire,earth",
effect type 2:"Debuff Dodge attacker", duration 2: 2, effect amount 2: -10%,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 550%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Defense by type", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -20%, effect requirement 1:"fire,earth",
effect type 2:"Debuff Dodge attacker", duration 2: 2, effect amount 2: -10%,
Lava Spirits
Description: Create explosive clay bugs and dispatch them to target.
Effect: 30% Chance to inflict 2% 'Burn' for 2 turns.
Dmg: [(lvl)x900%]
CP: [(lvl)x900%]
CD: 16
Level 1 - Cp:[lvl x 100%], damage:[lvl x 160%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -2%, effect chancetohit 1: 3%,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 120%], damage:[lvl x 190%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -2%, effect chancetohit 1: 6%,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 150%], damage:[lvl x 230%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -2%, effect chancetohit 1: 9%,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 190%], damage:[lvl x 280%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -2%, effect chancetohit 1: 12%,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 240%], damage:[lvl x 340%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -2%, effect chancetohit 1: 15%,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 310%], damage:[lvl x 410%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -2%, effect chancetohit 1: 18%,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 400%], damage:[lvl x 510%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -2%, effect chancetohit 1: 21%,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 510%], damage:[lvl x 720%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -2%, effect chancetohit 1: 24%,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 680%], damage:[lvl x 850%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -2%, effect chancetohit 1: 27%,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 900%], damage:[lvl x 900%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -2%, effect chancetohit 1: 30%,
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -2%, effect chancetohit 1: 3%,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 120%], damage:[lvl x 190%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -2%, effect chancetohit 1: 6%,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 150%], damage:[lvl x 230%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -2%, effect chancetohit 1: 9%,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 190%], damage:[lvl x 280%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -2%, effect chancetohit 1: 12%,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 240%], damage:[lvl x 340%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -2%, effect chancetohit 1: 15%,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 310%], damage:[lvl x 410%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -2%, effect chancetohit 1: 18%,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 400%], damage:[lvl x 510%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -2%, effect chancetohit 1: 21%,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 510%], damage:[lvl x 720%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -2%, effect chancetohit 1: 24%,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 680%], damage:[lvl x 850%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -2%, effect chancetohit 1: 27%,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 900%], damage:[lvl x 900%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 2, effect amount 1: -2%, effect chancetohit 1: 30%,
Hidden Silhouette
Silhouette Capture
Desckripsi : Semua serangan yang merugikan ditangkap (debuff) ke lawan. Target yang tertangkap memiliki rata2 dodge yang rendah.
Efek : 15% kemungkinan untuk menangkap lawan (Mengurangi rata2 dodge lawan sebesar 5% untuk 3 giliran)
Dmg : –
CP : –
CD: Skill Pasif
Efek : 15% kemungkinan untuk menangkap lawan (Mengurangi rata2 dodge lawan sebesar 5% untuk 3 giliran)
Dmg : –
CP : –
CD: Skill Pasif
Deskripsi : Restrict dan strangle lawan dengan memanipulasi bayangan. Damage tripled ketika lawan dalam status ‘Silhouette’.
Efek : User mendapat ‘Stun’ 2 giliran and Lawan mendapat ‘Stun’ 3 giliran, Lawan berkurang 2% dari HPnya setiap 3 selama 3 giliran. Meningkatkan kemungkinan Silhouette Capture sebesar 10%.
Dmg : –
CP : [(lvl)x550%]
CD : 16
Efek : User mendapat ‘Stun’ 2 giliran and Lawan mendapat ‘Stun’ 3 giliran, Lawan berkurang 2% dari HPnya setiap 3 selama 3 giliran. Meningkatkan kemungkinan Silhouette Capture sebesar 10%.
Dmg : –
CP : [(lvl)x550%]
CD : 16
Deskripsi : Restrict and menusuk lawan dengan bayangan yang muncul. Damage tripled ketika musuh dalam status ‘Silhouette’.
Efek : Restrict lawan (3 giliran). Meningkatkan kemungkinan Silhouette Capture sebesar 10%.
Dmg : [(lvl)x350%]
CP : [(lvl)x900%]
CD : 13
Description: Any attack may inflict Capture (debuff) on target. Target under Capture status has lower dodge rate.
Effect: 15% chance to inflict Capture on target (Reduce target's dodge rate by 10% for 3 turns)
Dmg: --
CP: --
CD: [Passive Skill]
Description: Restrict and strangle target by manipulating the shadow. Damage tripled when target is in 'Silhouette' status.
Effect: User and Target get 'Stun' 3 Turns, Target reduce 2% HP each 3 turns. Increase Silhouette Capture chance by 15%.
Dmg: --
CP: [(lvl)x550%]
CD: 16
Description: Restrict and stab target with shadow spears. Damage tripled when target is in'Silhouette' status.
Effect: Restrict target (2 turn). Increase Silhouette Capture chance by 15%.
Dmg: [(lvl)x350%]
CP: [(lvl)x900%]
CD: 16
Efek : Restrict lawan (3 giliran). Meningkatkan kemungkinan Silhouette Capture sebesar 10%.
Dmg : [(lvl)x350%]
CP : [(lvl)x900%]
CD : 13
Ninja Saga Hidden Silhouette Reference
– Silhouette users manipulate human shadows to restrict and control targets. Advanced Users can incarnate shadows into physical objects and attack targets directly.
Cost: 400 Token (Emblem)
Req: lvl50/Jounin
Cost: 400 Token (Emblem)
Req: lvl50/Jounin
- Silhouette Capture
- Secret Silhouette: Strangle
- Secret Silhouette: Extinguish
Talent tree
Silhouette Capture
Description: Any attack may inflict Capture (debuff) on target. Target under Capture status has lower dodge rate.
Effect: 15% chance to inflict Capture on target (Reduce target's dodge rate by 10% for 3 turns)
Dmg: --
CP: --
CD: [Passive Skill]
Level 1 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Capture", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -0.2%, chancetoeffect 1: 0.2%
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Capture", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -0.4%, chancetoeffect 1: 0.5%
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Capture", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -0.8%, chancetoeffect 1: 1%
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Capture", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -1.2%, chancetoeffect 1: 1.5%
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Capture", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -1.6%, chancetoeffect 1: 2.5%
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Capture", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -2.21%, chancetoeffect 1: 4%
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Capture", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -3%, chancetoeffect 1: 5.5%
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Capture", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -4%, chancetoeffect 1: 7.5%
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Capture", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -6%, chancetoeffect 1: 10%
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Capture", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -10%, chancetoeffect 1: 15%
effect type 1:"Capture", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -0.2%, chancetoeffect 1: 0.2%
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Capture", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -0.4%, chancetoeffect 1: 0.5%
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Capture", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -0.8%, chancetoeffect 1: 1%
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Capture", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -1.2%, chancetoeffect 1: 1.5%
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Capture", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -1.6%, chancetoeffect 1: 2.5%
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Capture", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -2.21%, chancetoeffect 1: 4%
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Capture", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -3%, chancetoeffect 1: 5.5%
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Capture", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -4%, chancetoeffect 1: 7.5%
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Capture", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -6%, chancetoeffect 1: 10%
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"Capture", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -10%, chancetoeffect 1: 15%
Secret Silhouette: Strangle
Description: Restrict and strangle target by manipulating the shadow. Damage tripled when target is in 'Silhouette' status.
Effect: User and Target get 'Stun' 3 Turns, Target reduce 2% HP each 3 turns. Increase Silhouette Capture chance by 15%.
Dmg: --
CP: [(lvl)x550%]
CD: 16
Level 1 - Cp:[lvl x 100%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -0.1%,
effect type 2:"stun", duration 2: 3,
effect type 3:"Silhouette", duration 3: 3, chancetoeffect 3: 1%,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 110%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -0.2%,
effect type 2:"stun", duration 2: 3,
effect type 3:"Silhouette", duration 3: 3, chancetoeffect 3: 2%,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 130%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -0.4%,
effect type 2:"stun", duration 2: 3,
effect type 3:"Silhouette", duration 3: 3, chancetoeffect 3: 3%,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 160%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -0.6%,
effect type 2:"stun", duration 2: 3,
effect type 3:"Silhouette", duration 3: 3, chancetoeffect 3: 4%,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 200%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -0.8%,
effect type 2:"stun", duration 2: 3,
effect type 3:"Silhouette", duration 3: 3, chancetoeffect 3: 5%,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 250%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -1%,
effect type 2:"stun", duration 2: 3,
effect type 3:"Silhouette", duration 3: 3, chancetoeffect 3: 7%,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 310%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -1.2%,
effect type 2:"stun", duration 2: 3,
effect type 3:"Silhouette", duration 3: 3, chancetoeffect 3: 9%,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 380%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -1.4%,
effect type 2:"stun", duration 2: 3,
effect type 3:"Silhouette", duration 3: 3, chancetoeffect 3: 11%,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 460%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -1.7%,
effect type 2:"stun", duration 2: 3,
effect type 3:"Silhouette", duration 3: 3, chancetoeffect 3: 13%,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 550%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -2%,
effect type 2:"stun", duration 2: 3,
effect type 3:"Silhouette", duration 3: 3, chancetoeffect 3: 15%,
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -0.1%,
effect type 2:"stun", duration 2: 3,
effect type 3:"Silhouette", duration 3: 3, chancetoeffect 3: 1%,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 110%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -0.2%,
effect type 2:"stun", duration 2: 3,
effect type 3:"Silhouette", duration 3: 3, chancetoeffect 3: 2%,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 130%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -0.4%,
effect type 2:"stun", duration 2: 3,
effect type 3:"Silhouette", duration 3: 3, chancetoeffect 3: 3%,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 160%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -0.6%,
effect type 2:"stun", duration 2: 3,
effect type 3:"Silhouette", duration 3: 3, chancetoeffect 3: 4%,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 200%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -0.8%,
effect type 2:"stun", duration 2: 3,
effect type 3:"Silhouette", duration 3: 3, chancetoeffect 3: 5%,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 250%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -1%,
effect type 2:"stun", duration 2: 3,
effect type 3:"Silhouette", duration 3: 3, chancetoeffect 3: 7%,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 310%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -1.2%,
effect type 2:"stun", duration 2: 3,
effect type 3:"Silhouette", duration 3: 3, chancetoeffect 3: 9%,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 380%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -1.4%,
effect type 2:"stun", duration 2: 3,
effect type 3:"Silhouette", duration 3: 3, chancetoeffect 3: 11%,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 460%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -1.7%,
effect type 2:"stun", duration 2: 3,
effect type 3:"Silhouette", duration 3: 3, chancetoeffect 3: 13%,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 550%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"HP", duration 1: 3, effect amount 1: -2%,
effect type 2:"stun", duration 2: 3,
effect type 3:"Silhouette", duration 3: 3, chancetoeffect 3: 15%,
Secret Silhouette: Extinguish
Description: Restrict and stab target with shadow spears. Damage tripled when target is in'Silhouette' status.
Effect: Restrict target (2 turn). Increase Silhouette Capture chance by 15%.
Dmg: [(lvl)x350%]
CP: [(lvl)x900%]
CD: 16
Level 1 - Cp:[lvl x 100%], damage:[lvl x 65%],
effect type 1:"Silhouette", duration 1: 3, chancetoeffect 1: 1%,
effect type 2:"Restriction", duration 2: 1
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 120%], damage:[lvl x 80%],
effect type 1:"Silhouette", duration 1: 3, chancetoeffect 1: 2%,
effect type 2:"Restriction", duration 2: 1
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 150%], damage:[lvl x 100%],
effect type 1:"Silhouette", duration 1: 3, chancetoeffect 1: 3%,
effect type 2:"Restriction", duration 2: 1
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 190%], damage:[lvl x 125%],
effect type 1:"Silhouette", duration 1: 3, chancetoeffect 1: 4%,
effect type 2:"Restriction", duration 2: 1
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 240%], damage:[lvl x 150%],
effect type 1:"Silhouette", duration 1: 3, chancetoeffect 1: 5%,
effect type 2:"Restriction", duration 2: 1
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 310%], damage:[lvl x 175%],
effect type 1:"Silhouette", duration 1: 3, chancetoeffect 1: 7%,
effect type 2:"Restriction", duration 2: 1
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 400%], damage:[lvl x 200%],
effect type 1:"Silhouette", duration 1: 3, chancetoeffect 1: 9%,
effect type 2:"Restriction", duration 2: 1
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 510%], damage:[lvl x 235%],
effect type 1:"Silhouette", duration 1: 3, chancetoeffect 1: 11%,
effect type 2:"Restriction", duration 2: 1
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 680%], damage:[lvl x 275%],
effect type 1:"Silhouette", duration 1: 3, chancetoeffect 1: 13%,
effect type 2:"Restriction", duration 2: 1
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 900%], damage:[lvl x 350%],
effect type 1:"Silhouette", duration 1: 3, chancetoeffect 1: 15%,
effect type 2:"Restriction", duration 2: 2
effect type 1:"Silhouette", duration 1: 3, chancetoeffect 1: 1%,
effect type 2:"Restriction", duration 2: 1
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 120%], damage:[lvl x 80%],
effect type 1:"Silhouette", duration 1: 3, chancetoeffect 1: 2%,
effect type 2:"Restriction", duration 2: 1
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 150%], damage:[lvl x 100%],
effect type 1:"Silhouette", duration 1: 3, chancetoeffect 1: 3%,
effect type 2:"Restriction", duration 2: 1
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 190%], damage:[lvl x 125%],
effect type 1:"Silhouette", duration 1: 3, chancetoeffect 1: 4%,
effect type 2:"Restriction", duration 2: 1
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 240%], damage:[lvl x 150%],
effect type 1:"Silhouette", duration 1: 3, chancetoeffect 1: 5%,
effect type 2:"Restriction", duration 2: 1
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 310%], damage:[lvl x 175%],
effect type 1:"Silhouette", duration 1: 3, chancetoeffect 1: 7%,
effect type 2:"Restriction", duration 2: 1
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 400%], damage:[lvl x 200%],
effect type 1:"Silhouette", duration 1: 3, chancetoeffect 1: 9%,
effect type 2:"Restriction", duration 2: 1
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 510%], damage:[lvl x 235%],
effect type 1:"Silhouette", duration 1: 3, chancetoeffect 1: 11%,
effect type 2:"Restriction", duration 2: 1
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 680%], damage:[lvl x 275%],
effect type 1:"Silhouette", duration 1: 3, chancetoeffect 1: 13%,
effect type 2:"Restriction", duration 2: 1
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 900%], damage:[lvl x 350%],
effect type 1:"Silhouette", duration 1: 3, chancetoeffect 1: 15%,
effect type 2:"Restriction", duration 2: 2
Enraged Forest
Enraged Forest
Nature Power
Deskripsi : Meningkatkan untuk memberikan Kekuatan Alam menggunakan Skill Tanah atau Air (Pemulihan HP & CP).
Efek : 30% kemungkinan untuk memulihkan 5% HP & 5% CP
Dmg : –
CP : –
CD : Skill Pasif
Efek : 30% kemungkinan untuk memulihkan 5% HP & 5% CP
Dmg : –
CP : –
CD : Skill Pasif
Smothering Bind
Deskripsi : Mengikat target dengan cabang-cabang pohon.
Efek : Stun lawan (1-2 turn)
Dmg : [(lvl)x850%]
CP : [(lvl)x900%]
CD : 16
Efek : Stun lawan (1-2 turn)
Dmg : [(lvl)x850%]
CP : [(lvl)x900%]
CD : 16
Deskripsi : Menngikat target dengan ledakan raksasa dari cabang pohon.
Effect: –
Dmg : [(lvl)x1200%]
CP : [(lvl)x900%]
CD : 16
Description: Chance to inflict Nature Power upon using Earth or Water skills (HP & CP Recovery).
Effect: 30% chance to recover 5% HP & 5% CP
Dmg: --
CP: --
CD: [Passive Skill]
Description: Entwine target with branches of tree.
Effect: Stun target (2 turn)
Dmg: [(lvl)x850%]
CP: [(lvl)x900%]
CD: 16
Description: Entwine target with explosion of giant branches of a tree.
Effect: --
Dmg: [(lvl)x1200%]
CP: [(lvl)x900%]
CD: 16
Effect: –
Dmg : [(lvl)x1200%]
CP : [(lvl)x900%]
CD : 16
Ninja Saga Enraged Forest Reference
– The Enraged Forest is combined by the elements of Water and Earth. Users manipulate the growth of trees and uses wood to attack targets.
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold
Req: lvl50/Jounin (Water & Earth)
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold
Req: lvl50/Jounin (Water & Earth)
Talent tree
Nature Power
Description: Chance to inflict Nature Power upon using Earth or Water skills (HP & CP Recovery).
Effect: 30% chance to recover 5% HP & 5% CP
Dmg: --
CP: --
CD: [Passive Skill]
Level 1 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"HP", effect amount 1: 0.1%, chancetoeffect 1: 1%, effect requirement 1:"water,earth",
effect type 2:"CP", effect amount 2: 0.1%, chancetoeffect 1: 1%, effect requirement 2:"water,earth",
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"HP", effect amount 1: 0.2%, chancetoeffect 1: 2%, effect requirement 1:"water,earth",
effect type 2:"CP", effect amount 2: 0.2%, chancetoeffect 1: 2%, effect requirement 2:"water,earth",
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"HP", effect amount 1: 0.4%, chancetoeffect 1: 4%, effect requirement 1:"water,earth",
effect type 2:"CP", effect amount 2: 0.4%, chancetoeffect 1: 4%, effect requirement 2:"water,earth",
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"HP", effect amount 1: 0.7%, chancetoeffect 1: 6%, effect requirement 1:"water,earth",
effect type 2:"CP", effect amount 2: 0.7%, chancetoeffect 1: 6%, effect requirement 2:"water,earth",
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"HP", effect amount 1: 1%, chancetoeffect 1: 8%, effect requirement 1:"water,earth",
effect type 2:"CP", effect amount 2: 1%, chancetoeffect 1: 8%, effect requirement 2:"water,earth",
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"HP", effect amount 1: 1.4%, chancetoeffect 1: 11%, effect requirement 1:"water,earth",
effect type 2:"CP", effect amount 2: 1.4%, chancetoeffect 1: 11%, effect requirement 2:"water,earth",
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"HP", effect amount 1: 2%, chancetoeffect 1: 15%, effect requirement 1:"water,earth",
effect type 2:"CP", effect amount 2: 2%, chancetoeffect 1: 15%, effect requirement 2:"water,earth",
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"HP", effect amount 1: 2.7%, chancetoeffect 1: 19%, effect requirement 1:"water,earth",
effect type 2:"CP", effect amount 2: 2.7%, chancetoeffect 1: 19%, effect requirement 2:"water,earth",
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"HP", effect amount 1: 3.5%, chancetoeffect 1: 24%, effect requirement 1:"water,earth",
effect type 2:"CP", effect amount 2: 3.5%, chancetoeffect 1: 24%, effect requirement 2:"water,earth",
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"HP", effect amount 1: 5%, chancetoeffect 1: 30%, effect requirement 1:"water,earth",
effect type 2:"CP", effect amount 2: 5%, chancetoeffect 1: 30%, effect requirement 2:"water,earth",
effect type 1:"HP", effect amount 1: 0.1%, chancetoeffect 1: 1%, effect requirement 1:"water,earth",
effect type 2:"CP", effect amount 2: 0.1%, chancetoeffect 1: 1%, effect requirement 2:"water,earth",
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"HP", effect amount 1: 0.2%, chancetoeffect 1: 2%, effect requirement 1:"water,earth",
effect type 2:"CP", effect amount 2: 0.2%, chancetoeffect 1: 2%, effect requirement 2:"water,earth",
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"HP", effect amount 1: 0.4%, chancetoeffect 1: 4%, effect requirement 1:"water,earth",
effect type 2:"CP", effect amount 2: 0.4%, chancetoeffect 1: 4%, effect requirement 2:"water,earth",
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"HP", effect amount 1: 0.7%, chancetoeffect 1: 6%, effect requirement 1:"water,earth",
effect type 2:"CP", effect amount 2: 0.7%, chancetoeffect 1: 6%, effect requirement 2:"water,earth",
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"HP", effect amount 1: 1%, chancetoeffect 1: 8%, effect requirement 1:"water,earth",
effect type 2:"CP", effect amount 2: 1%, chancetoeffect 1: 8%, effect requirement 2:"water,earth",
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"HP", effect amount 1: 1.4%, chancetoeffect 1: 11%, effect requirement 1:"water,earth",
effect type 2:"CP", effect amount 2: 1.4%, chancetoeffect 1: 11%, effect requirement 2:"water,earth",
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"HP", effect amount 1: 2%, chancetoeffect 1: 15%, effect requirement 1:"water,earth",
effect type 2:"CP", effect amount 2: 2%, chancetoeffect 1: 15%, effect requirement 2:"water,earth",
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"HP", effect amount 1: 2.7%, chancetoeffect 1: 19%, effect requirement 1:"water,earth",
effect type 2:"CP", effect amount 2: 2.7%, chancetoeffect 1: 19%, effect requirement 2:"water,earth",
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"HP", effect amount 1: 3.5%, chancetoeffect 1: 24%, effect requirement 1:"water,earth",
effect type 2:"CP", effect amount 2: 3.5%, chancetoeffect 1: 24%, effect requirement 2:"water,earth",
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 0%], damage:[lvl x 0%],
effect type 1:"HP", effect amount 1: 5%, chancetoeffect 1: 30%, effect requirement 1:"water,earth",
effect type 2:"CP", effect amount 2: 5%, chancetoeffect 1: 30%, effect requirement 2:"water,earth",
Secret Enraged Forest: Smothering Bind
Description: Entwine target with branches of tree.
Effect: Stun target (2 turn)
Dmg: [(lvl)x850%]
CP: [(lvl)x900%]
CD: 16
Level 1 - Cp:[lvl x 100%}, damage:[lvl x 100%],
effect type 1:"stun", duration 1: 1,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 120%}, damage:[lvl x 160%],
effect type 1:"stun", duration 1: 1,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 150%}, damage:[lvl x 220%],
effect type 1:"stun", duration 1: 1,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 190%}, damage:[lvl x 290%],
effect type 1:"stun", duration 1: 1,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 240%}, damage:[lvl x 380%],
effect type 1:"stun", duration 1: 1,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 310%}, damage:[lvl x 440%],
effect type 1:"stun", duration 1: 2,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 400%}, damage:[lvl x 540%],
effect type 1:"stun", duration 1: 2,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 510%}, damage:[lvl x 650%],
effect type 1:"stun", duration 1: 2,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 680%}, damage:[lvl x 750%],
effect type 1:"stun", duration 1: 2,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 900%}, damage:[lvl x 850%],
effect type 1:"stun", duration 1: 2,
effect type 1:"stun", duration 1: 1,
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 120%}, damage:[lvl x 160%],
effect type 1:"stun", duration 1: 1,
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 150%}, damage:[lvl x 220%],
effect type 1:"stun", duration 1: 1,
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 190%}, damage:[lvl x 290%],
effect type 1:"stun", duration 1: 1,
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 240%}, damage:[lvl x 380%],
effect type 1:"stun", duration 1: 1,
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 310%}, damage:[lvl x 440%],
effect type 1:"stun", duration 1: 2,
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 400%}, damage:[lvl x 540%],
effect type 1:"stun", duration 1: 2,
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 510%}, damage:[lvl x 650%],
effect type 1:"stun", duration 1: 2,
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 680%}, damage:[lvl x 750%],
effect type 1:"stun", duration 1: 2,
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 900%}, damage:[lvl x 850%],
effect type 1:"stun", duration 1: 2,
Secret Enraged Forest: Matsuri
Description: Entwine target with explosion of giant branches of a tree.
Effect: --
Dmg: [(lvl)x1200%]
CP: [(lvl)x900%]
CD: 16
Level 1 - Cp:[lvl x 100%], damage:[lvl x 100%],
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 120%], damage:[lvl x 150%],
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 150%], damage:[lvl x 210%],
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 190%], damage:[lvl x 280%],
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 240%], damage:[lvl x 360%],
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 310%], damage:[lvl x 460%],
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 400%], damage:[lvl x 580%],
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 510%], damage:[lvl x 720%],
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 680%], damage:[lvl x 920%],
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 900%], damage:[lvl x 1200%],
Level 2 - Cp:[lvl x 120%], damage:[lvl x 150%],
Level 3 - Cp:[lvl x 150%], damage:[lvl x 210%],
Level 4 - Cp:[lvl x 190%], damage:[lvl x 280%],
Level 5 - Cp:[lvl x 240%], damage:[lvl x 360%],
Level 6 - Cp:[lvl x 310%], damage:[lvl x 460%],
Level 7 - Cp:[lvl x 400%], damage:[lvl x 580%],
Level 8 - Cp:[lvl x 510%], damage:[lvl x 720%],
Level 9 - Cp:[lvl x 680%], damage:[lvl x 920%],
Level 10 - Cp:[lvl x 900%], damage:[lvl x 1200%],
World Bosses
Ginkotsu - Level 10 (rank C)
- HP= 7300
- CP= 2800
- Agility to get the first attack= 35
- EXP Reward= 1491
- Gold Reward= 4000
- Possible Magatama= Gray and Green
- Possible Weapon= Ginkotsu Saw
1. Hunter's Sight - Casts concetration - Increases critical chance for 3 turns
2. Whirlwind Tornado (AoE) - 100 - 250+ damage / 200 - 500+ damage critical
3. Violent whirlwind (AoE) - Inflicts bleeding for 3 turns 200 - 400+ damage critical
4. Probing attack - Inflicts fear 90 - 110+ damage / 180 - 230+ damage critical
5. Vampire bite - Drains some HP and heals itself 200 - 250~ damage
6. Illusion eyes (AoE) - inflicts restriction for 1 turn
7. Wind jet - Inflicts bleeding 70+~ damage
8. Bursts of air - 170~ damage
9. Hunter's sight - Casts concetration - Increases critical chance for 3 turns
10. Hunting mode - Strengthens - boosts attack by 40%
11. Probing attack - Inflicts fear 90 - 110+ damage / 180 - 230+ damage critical
12. Vacuum wave - Inflicts bleeding 100 - 200 damage
2. Whirlwind Tornado (AoE) - 100 - 250+ damage / 200 - 500+ damage critical
3. Violent whirlwind (AoE) - Inflicts bleeding for 3 turns 200 - 400+ damage critical
4. Probing attack - Inflicts fear 90 - 110+ damage / 180 - 230+ damage critical
5. Vampire bite - Drains some HP and heals itself 200 - 250~ damage
6. Illusion eyes (AoE) - inflicts restriction for 1 turn
7. Wind jet - Inflicts bleeding 70+~ damage
8. Bursts of air - 170~ damage
9. Hunter's sight - Casts concetration - Increases critical chance for 3 turns
10. Hunting mode - Strengthens - boosts attack by 40%
11. Probing attack - Inflicts fear 90 - 110+ damage / 180 - 230+ damage critical
12. Vacuum wave - Inflicts bleeding 100 - 200 damage
Shikigami Yanki- Level 20 (rank C)
- HP= 12750
- CP= 2800
- Agility to get the first attack= 60
- EXP Reward=4078
- Gold Reward= 5000
- Possible Magatama= Gray, Green, and Blue
- Possible Weapon= Yanki Sickle
1. Fire power - Strengthens attack by 40% for 3 turns.
2. Fire release: Fireball - 150 - 300+ damage
3. Fire release: Flame wheel - 400-500~ damage
4. Fire release: Fire bullet combo (AoE) - 300 - 1100+ damage
5. Fire release: Self explosion - Inflicts burn - 500 -700 damage
6. Fire release: Blazing claw - 200+~ damage
7. Fire release: Great burning wave (AoE) - Inflicts burn - 100 - 250 damage
8. Fire release: Fireball - 150 - 300+ damage
9. Fire release: Flame burst (AoE) - Inflicts burn - 300 - 700~ damage
10. Fire release: Flame wheel - 400-500~ damage
11. Fire release: Fireball - 150 - 300+ damage
12. Evil poison - Inflicts poison for 1 turn
13. Fire power - Strengthens attack by 40% for 3 turns.
14. Fire energy - Heals 2500 HP
15. Fire release: Fire bullet combo (AoE) - 300 - 1100+ damage
2. Fire release: Fireball - 150 - 300+ damage
3. Fire release: Flame wheel - 400-500~ damage
4. Fire release: Fire bullet combo (AoE) - 300 - 1100+ damage
5. Fire release: Self explosion - Inflicts burn - 500 -700 damage
6. Fire release: Blazing claw - 200+~ damage
7. Fire release: Great burning wave (AoE) - Inflicts burn - 100 - 250 damage
8. Fire release: Fireball - 150 - 300+ damage
9. Fire release: Flame burst (AoE) - Inflicts burn - 300 - 700~ damage
10. Fire release: Flame wheel - 400-500~ damage
11. Fire release: Fireball - 150 - 300+ damage
12. Evil poison - Inflicts poison for 1 turn
13. Fire power - Strengthens attack by 40% for 3 turns.
14. Fire energy - Heals 2500 HP
15. Fire release: Fire bullet combo (AoE) - 300 - 1100+ damage
Geddo Sessho Seki- Level 25 (rank B)
- HP= 27950
- CP= 2800
- Agility to get the first attack= 65
- EXP Reward= 6745
- Gold Reward= 6500
- Possible Magatama= Gray, Green, and Blue
- Possible Weapon= Sessho Shuriken
1. Earth release: Rock armor - Casts protection for 5 turns
2. Cursed seal fist - 140 - 200 damage
3. Earth release: Rock spines - 135 - 220~ damage
4. Earth release: Rock style wall - 200 - 250~ damage
5. Earth style: Rock bramble coffin - Casts Reactive damage - Reflects 50% of damage taken over 5 turns
6. Earth release: Tearing rock blast - 80-100 damage x 3 hits
7. Earth release: Rock pillars prison - Inflicts 2 turns of stun - 180 - 245~ damage
8. Normal attack - 140 - 180~ damage
9. Rock blizzard - AoE - Stuns your whole party for 1 turn - 200~ damage
10. Gedo soul laser - AoE - 260~ damage
11. Soul laser - 400+ - 580~ damage
2. Cursed seal fist - 140 - 200 damage
3. Earth release: Rock spines - 135 - 220~ damage
4. Earth release: Rock style wall - 200 - 250~ damage
5. Earth style: Rock bramble coffin - Casts Reactive damage - Reflects 50% of damage taken over 5 turns
6. Earth release: Tearing rock blast - 80-100 damage x 3 hits
7. Earth release: Rock pillars prison - Inflicts 2 turns of stun - 180 - 245~ damage
8. Normal attack - 140 - 180~ damage
9. Rock blizzard - AoE - Stuns your whole party for 1 turn - 200~ damage
10. Gedo soul laser - AoE - 260~ damage
11. Soul laser - 400+ - 580~ damage
Tengu- Level 30 (Rank B)
- HP= (Fire) 15800 (Wind) 12100
- CP= (Fire) 2800 (Wind) 2800
- Agility to get the first attack= (Fire) 88 (Wind) 88
- EXP Reward=10602
- Gold Reward= 6000
- Possible Magatama= Gray, Green, Blue, and Purple
- Possible Weapon= Tengu Umbrella and Tengu Spear
Skills (Fire):
1. Fire Release: Roaring Flame Sphere - Inflicts burn - 235 - 307 damage
2. Earth Release: Hill Collapse - 200+~ damage
3. Lightning Release: Shockwave - 215 - 290 damage
4. Lightning Release: Thunder Palm - Inflicts stun - 280 - 375~ damage
5. Fire & Lightning combo attack - 500-700 damage.
6. Genjutsu: Dark Space (blinds)
7. Genjutsu: Fear Dream (inflicts fear)
8. Fire Release: Roaring Flame Sphere - 235 - 307 damage
9. Normal attack - 150 - 170~ damage
10. Flow river (AoE) - 200 - 300+ damage
11. Fire dragon explosion - AoE - Inflicts burn - 320 - 360~ damage[/list]
2. Earth Release: Hill Collapse - 200+~ damage
3. Lightning Release: Shockwave - 215 - 290 damage
4. Lightning Release: Thunder Palm - Inflicts stun - 280 - 375~ damage
5. Fire & Lightning combo attack - 500-700 damage.
6. Genjutsu: Dark Space (blinds)
7. Genjutsu: Fear Dream (inflicts fear)
8. Fire Release: Roaring Flame Sphere - 235 - 307 damage
9. Normal attack - 150 - 170~ damage
10. Flow river (AoE) - 200 - 300+ damage
11. Fire dragon explosion - AoE - Inflicts burn - 320 - 360~ damage[/list]
Skills (Wind):
1. Chakra Shield - Self buff (Protection - reduces damage)
2. Wind Armour - Self buff (Evasion - increases dodge rate)
3. Wind Release: Beast Palm - 150 - 200~ damage
4. Wind Release: Wind Blade - Inflicts bleeding - 180 - 240~ damage
6. Water Release: Dragon Canon - 200~ damage
5. Water Release: Whirlpool - 200 - 300+ damage
7. Normal Attack
8. Heal - Heals 2000 HP (3000 HP with Speeding health regeneration cast)
9. Speeding Health Regeneration - heals 115 HP for 3 turns
10. Water release: Great wallfall - AoE - 200 - 250~ damage [/list]
2. Wind Armour - Self buff (Evasion - increases dodge rate)
3. Wind Release: Beast Palm - 150 - 200~ damage
4. Wind Release: Wind Blade - Inflicts bleeding - 180 - 240~ damage
6. Water Release: Dragon Canon - 200~ damage
5. Water Release: Whirlpool - 200 - 300+ damage
7. Normal Attack
8. Heal - Heals 2000 HP (3000 HP with Speeding health regeneration cast)
9. Speeding Health Regeneration - heals 115 HP for 3 turns
10. Water release: Great wallfall - AoE - 200 - 250~ damage [/list]
Byakko- Level 40 (rank A)
- HP= 75800
- CP= 2800
- Agility to get the first attack= 100
- EXP Reward= 17834
- Gold Reward= 14000
- Possible Magatama=Gray, Green, Blue, Purple, and Gold
- Possible Weapon= Byakko Sword
- 1. Endure - Casts protection - 50%-60% increase in defense for 5-8 turns 2. Tiger Fist - 180 -250~ damage 3. Iai Kick - 220 - 300~ damage 4. Hand Blade - Inflicts Bleed for 1 turn - 170 - 280~ damage 5. Fist combo jutsu - Could be a bugged skill, says stun but doesn't actually stun - 300~ damage Under 50% of hp skills 6. Lightning Tiger shooting - 300+ damage 7. Howl - Inflicts Fear (stun?) - 4 turns of stun 8. Strike blast (AoE) - 190 - 300 damage 9. Lightning Tiger bomb (AoE) - 300+ damage 10. Tiger Light - Inflicts blind for 1 turn 11. Lightning Tiger hammer - Inflicts 1 turn of stun - 250 - 300+ damage
Ape King- Level 50 (rank A)
- HP= 90700
- CP= 5600
- Agility to get the first attack= 129
- EXP Reward= 48750
- Gold Reward= 20000
- Possible Magatama= Gray, Green, Blue, Purple, and Gold
- Possible Weapon= Apes Banana
1. Fist - 200-350 damage
2. Jump (AoE) - 200-350 damage (approx)
When 1/3 or 1/4 HP is gone :
1. Aaaaaaargh! (AoE) - 500-800 damage
2. Poison Breath (AoE) - Poisons for 2 turns (3% of total HP)
3. Blast - 500-800 damage (Stuns for 1 turn)
4. Boulders - 150-250 damage (x2)
5. Crazy - 350-450 damage
6. Bellow - 300-400 damage
7. Fist - 200-350 damage
8. Jump (AoE)- 200-350 damage(approx).
When HP is reduced to 1/2 :
1. Angry - Strenghtens for 5 turns
2. Jump - 300-400 damage (He will use this until Angry fades)
He then repeats attacks from Aaaaaaargh! to fist.
1. Banana - Heals 4500 HP (Can crit heal for 6750 HP)
2. Jump (AoE) - 200-350 damage (approx)
When 1/3 or 1/4 HP is gone :
1. Aaaaaaargh! (AoE) - 500-800 damage
2. Poison Breath (AoE) - Poisons for 2 turns (3% of total HP)
3. Blast - 500-800 damage (Stuns for 1 turn)
4. Boulders - 150-250 damage (x2)
5. Crazy - 350-450 damage
6. Bellow - 300-400 damage
7. Fist - 200-350 damage
8. Jump (AoE)- 200-350 damage(approx).
When HP is reduced to 1/2 :
1. Angry - Strenghtens for 5 turns
2. Jump - 300-400 damage (He will use this until Angry fades)
He then repeats attacks from Aaaaaaargh! to fist.
1. Banana - Heals 4500 HP (Can crit heal for 6750 HP)
Battle Turtle- Level 55 (rank A)
- HP= 132800
- CP= 9000
- Agility to get the first attack= ??
- EXP Reward= 58152
- Gold Reward= 25000
- Possible Magatama= Gray, Green, Blue, Purple, and Gold
- Possible Weapon= Battle Turtle Kunai
Special Effect: Purify (Negates all negative buffs)
Soul General Mutoh- Level 60 (Rank S)
- HP= 186000
- CP= 8000
- Agility to get the first attack= 185
- EXP Reward= 68225
- Gold Reward= 30000
- Possible Magatama= Blue, Purple, and Gold
- Possible Weapon= Bizen Mutoh Masamune
Skills of Soul General Mutoh:
"Kenjutsu: Ichimonji"
damage : 480
cooldown : 0
effect :
"Kenjutsu: Kakiri"
damage : 480
cooldown : 4
effect : Bleeding 5% for 2 turns
"Kenjutsu: Zanshin"
damage : 540
cooldown : 6
effect : Dismantle target cannot use weapon to attack for 2 turns
"Kenjutsu: Sanmonji"
damage : 600
cooldown : 6
effect : Bleeding 5% for 2 turns
"Futsu Kenjutsu: Ukenagashi"
damage : 540
cooldown : 0
effect : Bleeding 20% for 2 turns
"Futsu Kenjutsu: Juken"
damage : 600
cooldown : 6
effect :
"Futsu Kenjutsu: Munenmuso"
damage : 600
cooldown : 6
effect : Disperse Removes all buffs to target
"Futsu Kenjutsu: Itto Ryodan"
damage : 660
cooldown : 6
effect : Hits All Team , Burn CP by 25%
"Muramasa Kenjutsu: Kesa"
damage : 600
cooldown : 0
effect : Bleeding 20% for 2 turns
"Muramasa Kenjutsu: Senbongiri"
damage : 660
cooldown : 6
effect : Hits All Team , Burn CP by 25%
"Muramasa Kenjutsu: Sanpogiri"
damage : 720
cooldown : 6
effect : Disperse Removes All buffs to target
damage : 1200
cooldown : 14
effect : Stun for 2 turns
"Futsu no Mitama"
damage : --
cooldown : 10
effect : Adds Accuracy by 50% for 9 turns
"Muramasa no Mitama"
damage : --
cooldown : 10
effect : Adds Critical Chance by 50% for 9 turns
"Ikken Nyukon"
damage : --
cooldown : 15
effect : Strengthen all damage by 150% for 2 turns
damage : 480
cooldown : 0
effect :
"Kenjutsu: Kakiri"
damage : 480
cooldown : 4
effect : Bleeding 5% for 2 turns
"Kenjutsu: Zanshin"
damage : 540
cooldown : 6
effect : Dismantle target cannot use weapon to attack for 2 turns
"Kenjutsu: Sanmonji"
damage : 600
cooldown : 6
effect : Bleeding 5% for 2 turns
"Futsu Kenjutsu: Ukenagashi"
damage : 540
cooldown : 0
effect : Bleeding 20% for 2 turns
"Futsu Kenjutsu: Juken"
damage : 600
cooldown : 6
effect :
"Futsu Kenjutsu: Munenmuso"
damage : 600
cooldown : 6
effect : Disperse Removes all buffs to target
"Futsu Kenjutsu: Itto Ryodan"
damage : 660
cooldown : 6
effect : Hits All Team , Burn CP by 25%
"Muramasa Kenjutsu: Kesa"
damage : 600
cooldown : 0
effect : Bleeding 20% for 2 turns
"Muramasa Kenjutsu: Senbongiri"
damage : 660
cooldown : 6
effect : Hits All Team , Burn CP by 25%
"Muramasa Kenjutsu: Sanpogiri"
damage : 720
cooldown : 6
effect : Disperse Removes All buffs to target
damage : 1200
cooldown : 14
effect : Stun for 2 turns
"Futsu no Mitama"
damage : --
cooldown : 10
effect : Adds Accuracy by 50% for 9 turns
"Muramasa no Mitama"
damage : --
cooldown : 10
effect : Adds Critical Chance by 50% for 9 turns
"Ikken Nyukon"
damage : --
cooldown : 15
effect : Strengthen all damage by 150% for 2 turns
Boss Weapon Upgrades
Ginkotsu Saw
Yanki Sickle
Sessho Shuriken
Tengu Umbrella and Tengu Spear
Byakko Sword
Apes Banana
Battle Turtle Kunai
Semoga ini dapat membantu user Ninja saga…. ![:-D](